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  1. I'm getting these too (from 01/03/2012). As with the other posters here, it's to a unique email address only used on this site. Re "I'm afraid that we were hacked a few days ago." - I'd have expected some sort of email saying "we've been hacked" rather than just allowing people to discover it for themselves. Imagine if one of the many organisations rightly criticised here took this approach!
  2. It's a call centre - I just had a call today. By the accent the guy phoning sounded like they were calling from the Indian subcontinent. It was a very poor quality line. He claimed to be calling on behalf of "GFC" (Global Financial Centre, or something - but see the note below. His voice wasn't very clear, though. I asked what their number was. He said that he was "Not authorised to give the number out". I asked to speak to his supervisor, and after a muffled conversation out of my earshot, he put the phone down. I had a look around trying to see who "GFC" were. There is a GFC who've bought Google Adwords. I phoned them and they said that it's nothing to do with them - "they've had absolutely loads of calls" from people complaining, and said that it was nothing to do with them. So the chances are that it's some dodgy outfit (which could be located in the UK, India, or somewhere else entirely) trying to separate you from your money. Also - I certainly wouldn't phone an 07 number back - calls to such "personal numbers" will be charged at a higher rate than normal ones and are designed to make money for the supplier of the number.
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