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  1. I have had a problem with 3. I got called up regarding an upgrade when my contract had nearly finished. I asked for the sony ericson w880i. I was advised that the newest Sony Ericson would be sent to me. When I recieved the phone it was not the one I requested and called 3. They avdvised me that if I had opened the phone I could not return it. The box was already opened when I recieved this. I advised them of this and was told I could not send the phone back. I started to use the phone but it was faulty and the battery kept dying on me. I rang them up to complain and was told it was my fault and I must be on the internet all the time!! I advised them I was not and they told me I could send the phone back and they would have a look at it but I would be without a phone for a couple of weeks depending what is wrong with the phone. I told them I was not paying for a contract when I didn't have a phone they advised me I had to. I stated that I wanted to to cancel the contract and send the phone back. They told me I could not send the phone back as I was out of the 7 day money back guarntee. I asked to lower the contract so I could pay the 18 month contract off and they advised me I could not lower the contract until 6,9 or 18 months into the contract! I was not advised of this even though on the website it states you can higher or lower your contract at anytime. I looked into this and issued a letter with my phone and quoted the below as I was not aware of the 7 day money back Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 Traders who deal via distance-selling schemes are required to advise you that you have a seven day period within which you can cancel your order (for any reason) and get your money back. Failure to provide you with this (and other) information may be a breach of the Regulations and can have the result of extending the cancellation period by up to three months. They called me up today and advised that that does not apply to them as I was told about the 7 day money back and could have sent the phone back when I rang and disputed it wasn't the phone I requested even though I was told I could not. They stated that 'in their notes' it says that I was advised of this. I requested the notes along with a recording of the conversation adn I got told they are not allowed to issue recordings to customers but the notes are right as they check them against the recordings (even though previously in the conversation he told me that the recordings could not be found!). I was then told that I cold not lower my contract until the contract was up so I queried about the 6,9,18 month contract lowering I had been told before but was told that I had not been advised this! I asked about the website advsing you could lower it on there and my question went unanswered. I also got told that even though I have sent my phone back as my account is still active they are sending the phone back to me. I told them I do not want the phone and wish to cancel the contract and was told I could not do this. I also advised that I would not accept the phone and would return it to sender and they replied that they would call me up again to see what the problem was!!!!! AAARRGGHH! I advised them if they do this they are in breech of harrasment and I would seek legal advised against this and they just advised me that that is there company proceedure. An answer to most things! I'll let you know how it goes.
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