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  1. Just out of interest - if a claimant does drop the case before it goes to court, will they have to pay Lloyds' solicitor fees or court fees or anything? and if so - are these intimidation tactics fair?
  2. I will phone the court first thing monday - The court date is 27/06 - I think I may have mis-read the letter as it does say that I must provide my written documents as a paginated bundle (but does not state when by) - but does go on to say that "if any party relies on written submission or a skeleton arguement, it must be filed at court and served on the other party at least 2 days before the hearing" - does this mean the bundle that you suggest? this would give me far more time to prepare!
  3. Can I also say sorry for my shocking spelling, its been a long day - at work for 7am and Im back in at 7 tomorrow - I am usually betta than dis...
  4. Well to be honest, this is the reason I am so nervous. I recieved notice that TSB had filed a full defence and then recieved a questionairre - in which I failed to make any sort of defence due mainly to my naivety, mis-understanding of the requirement and the fact that as i say - the bbc website did not explain what to do if thinks when this far. I am guessing that it is a full hearing although it does not state this clearly on the letter. However - it does say "any witness evidence of documents to be relied on by the claimant must be filed at court and served on the defendant not later than 21 days before the hearing) - so im guessing this gives me a couple of days to sumbit a defence? do I personally send my defence to Lloyds or do the court forward these documents? Thanks for your help btw
  5. I recieved a "Notice of allocation to the small claims track (hearing) today and it just stated the date of the hearing and the name of the judge (O'regan) and went on to explain what happens if an agreement is met before the court date. I really dont want to attend - very nervous
  6. Hi, I am very new to all this and have a court date set for the end of June. I followed the BBC's instructions but they did not advise what to do if it goes to court. In light of recent events I am getting rather confused about what to do - Can somebody tell me roughly what I will have to pay if I lose the case? (will I have to pay Llloyds' solicitor fees or am I confusing this?) and if I simply do not attend the court hearing will I have to pay and further fees as to be honest, I really did not expect it to get this far and I would like to back down (can I? what would it cost?)?? Thanks, Gilbert
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