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Everything posted by lydz29

  1. when i was looking for help i read a lot about free debt management companies thats why i went to payplan - unfortunatley it didn't work out for me. Once i got a solution to my debt problems i thought it would be helpful to share my point of view for others in a similar situation. I can see your point of free debt advice being a great solution for people in debt, i don't dispute that. However for me personally it was the quality of service i received from debt-simple that swayed me there way.
  2. Thanks for your replies guys, i've been down the route of free debt help and had a bad experience with payplan. Today 11:09KJD
  3. Hi everyone, new to this forum, just thought it appropriate to share my view. I'm on a DMP with (EDIT) who are also helping me with reclaiming my bank charges, they are a small company and very professional and above all really easy to talk to. I have a person who i can call each time i need help and will only ever have to speak to them. After looking for help I found the bigger debt management companies are ok with you at first but then refer you onto their HUGE call centres. I prefer being able to speak to one person who knows my situation and who i don't have to explain something to everytime. I'd recommend debt-simple to anyone, without sounding to cheesy - they have really helped me get my life back on track. (Commercial link removed)
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