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Posts posted by Tatiana1979

  1. Where I live, there is a residents parking permit issued in my Wife's name. The car that it is registered or should I say allocated to is a vehicle that I use for my work which is the Motor Trade. Very frequently I have to bring home other vehicles as my vehicle is out on loan etc, and when this occurs I leave a note in the screen informing, that it is a residents vehicle. I have informed them about this on several occasions as I have asked that I could be issued with a blanket permit to use on whatever vehicle I have to use only to be told that they do not issue such permits.


    With only limited numbers of parking bays and every resident allowed 2 permits for parking numerous residents have to park on the opposite side of the road to the bays with 2 wheels on the pavement, this is a regular nightly/daily occurrence and is the only way to stop blocking the road completely.


    On returning home last night this was the only way I could park, and as Friday is my day off I went to get into my vehicle at around 10 am only to find that I have a penalty notice on it. This not being the first time this has happened I was to put it mildly extremely annoyed, I telephoned council parking services eventually speaking with somebody and was told to write in and contest but as I was parked on the pavement that I was at fault. I was also told that if the vehicle had been displaying a parking permit that no action would have been taken.


    This I class as discrimination as I have paid for a permit the same as my fellow residents but due to the nature of my work am being penalized because my local council are not as understanding as other councils who do issue blanket permits. I have paid for a permit and could understand if all vehicles parked this way were given tickets but NO, once again this is discrimination.


    I would be able to supply a letter from my employer confirming the change of vehicles, due to the nature of my business that they could make an exception in my case and issue a blanket permit to stop this happening, or maybe they could come up with a sensible suggestion on how to overcome this situation. The cost of paying parking fines to park outside my home is not something that I can afford to do especially as a permit has been paid for and is current, I urged them to understand that this feels as if I am being treated unfairly due to my profession and home address and hope that common sense prevails.


    Well, I am appealing againsat this ticket!

    Are there any chances?



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