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Everything posted by laticsforlife

  1. So I've so far got 25% reduction in the debt, am awaiting revised bill. Do people think that should be the end of it, or is there scope for anything outside of EDF's reduction? (many thanks to them so far for the 25% tho')
  2. How do I ask for a SAR (or are instructions somewhere on this site)
  3. When I called the woman couldn't be more helpful, and was pleasant throughout.
  4. This is my 1st post, and am hoping for some help. I changed from Scottish Power on 04/02/05 to London Energy 'LE' (now EDF), and gave a reading to both companies on 09/02/05. LE would not use this, and following that have NEVER read the meter. This week they sent an estimated bill (the first bill with any estimated usage on it since joining) for £600, but when I called with the true reading this became the £1,000 I'm posting about. It's all about being on some database and never getting cleared off it, all about meter readings or lack of them. I did have readings when with all previous suppliers. All my previous bill simply shows the amount paid by DD but no use figures, nor estimates etc. My DD was set-up in Feb 05 and the letters say £20 per month from now on (not enough but lets not go there). They only collected 2 of those then I called to increase it to £30, which they took 1 month then stopped taking anything. May 05 bill £70 cr, Aug 05 same, no DD's taken and all other bills up to July 06 say the same. Then in Aug 06 it changes to EDF and they restart the DD for £22pcm from Oct 06 which continues to date and on the last bill it is £246cr before charges for electricity used. So now what can I do. My complaints are as follows; 1. They've spread the debt evenly over time, but I reckon we've become more energy efficient in last 2 years so reckon that's not fair (NB How can they know the bill is accurately split with only 2 meter readings to go off, 1 in Feb 2005 and 1 in May 2007 - with 4 changes of price in that time) 2. They took no DD's at all even though letters say they will. 3. I tried to give meter readings in the early days but the automated system wouldn't accept them nor did the CS Rep when I spoke to them. The woman I spoke to this week said the system said meter readings could not be obtained, yet the same guy quite happily reads my gas meter every 1/4, and there's always someone in the house so they definitely have never tried to read it. 4. It's taken 2 years to resolve and now they want the money (although they say I can pay over same amount of time taken to accrue debt). Is there any scope for me to get some of this debt wiped out due to incompetence? What's my best starting point?
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