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  1. Ok just received Lloyds standard response. The PR/Bullsh#t that they use in the letter is almost funny. Will send Letter Before Action. Caspar ps. (stupid question:) what does SC&M stand for? I've seen it mentioned quite a few times but couldnt find the meaning anywhere. Don't worry, I AM blond.
  2. Still at the boring stage. 11 days since I posted first letter, no response. Will prepare and ready to send my Letter Before Action. Thanks for your help. Caspar
  3. Hello all. Firstly, this has been a wonderful source of information, and has given me the confidence to pursue my rights. I have just sent the preliminary approach letter, for £1375 going back four years. I look forward to hearing from my lovely bank. Caspar
  4. hi, going up against lloyds for about £1200. wish me luck
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