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Posts posted by clutchingatstraws

  1. Najib Nathoo, chief executive,

    1st Credit

    Since the last Credit 100 list was

    published, debt buyer 1st Credit

    has been through the mill, suffering

    immense negative publicity when it

    had restrictions imposed on it by

    the Office of Fair Trading in February.

    The company was accused of

    threatening legal action when it was

    unlikely that route would be taken,

    and was warned about dealing

    appropriately with sensitive cases

    involving vulnerable individuals.

    Not an easy first year as chief executive

    for Nathoo, who has been forced to rethink the way 1st Credit

    operates. It remains to be seen how the company will bounce back

    in 2010.


    You have to have sympathy, don't you?


    Ho Ho Ho

  2. Also Quoted




    That was a cowardly criminal assault.



    Just remember - next time they :



    - put more surveillance cameras in your town

    - monitor your emails and web use

    - store your DNA

    - pass laws removing haebeus corpus

    - film you on a demonstration

    - stop and search you on the street

    - force you to carry an id card

    - mointor your vehicle's movements around the country


    Bo88ocks, isn't it?



    Wake up - they rule by violence or the threat of violence. You're only free to do exactly what you're told.






    We've come a long way since Blair Peach, 30 years ago in two weeks.



    This time the cameras were on but the reaction of the perp is the same.

  3. Charley and Harry have had the finest education available, paid for by all of us.


    I would have expected both of them to know how to behave regardless of context.


    Racist jibes or not they should be role models showing leadership and respect for everyone in all circumstances.


    How can I pull up my kids for calling someone Paki or Sooty (Which I hope I will never have to because I have educated them otherwise) When this pair of underworked, overprivilleged, alleged dog beaters do as they like and the majority of people seem to think that as they are "friends" its ok.


    For these "friends" to complain would have been difficult when applying for promotions or next years polo club membership.


    Power brings responsibility.


    Not the right to do as you bl**dy well like!

  4. Is there any wonder that so few comments have been posted?


    Heres an exerpt from the report on The CSA & DBSG Annual Conference 2008





    The CSA and DBSG promised much, and once again delivered in what was the largest event in the Association’s history.


    More than 250 delegates visited the exhibition and joined the conference to hear experts from the world of credit and finance discuss the key issues of the day, in a week where the cataclysmic turmoil in the banking sector reached an historic low.


    Having welcomed the audience with the good news – that both the CSA and DBSG continue to go from strength to strength – CSA President Najib Nathoo turned almost immediately to the news that had shocked guests overnight, the proposed take-over of HBOS by Lloyds TSB. “Are we at the bottom,” Najib wondered, “or is there still some way to go? The credit crunch is the equivalent of a large kidney stone,” he quoted. “It will pass, but it’s going to hurt!”


    David Smith, Economics Editor for the Sunday Times also joked that when he had accepted the invitation to come and speak at the conference, he had done so because he believed it was going to be a quiet week! Now it had become the week when the credit crunch finally came home to Britain. David spoke at length about how the credit crunch had come about, and how particularly damaging the results were now beginning to prove. After 63 quarters of consecutive growth, a tripling of house prices, low unemployment, low inflation, and low interest rates, consumer panic was only just around the corner.


    David pondered whether the crisis could have been avoided, or whether it was an accident waiting to happen. Might the FSA done more in keeping a tighter rein? Yes it appears so. Could the Bank of England have included house prices in calculating interest rates? Perhaps. And could Gordon Brown have intervened to stop lending institutions from agreeing loans above 80%LTV? Probably not.


    The lack of availability of credit, David explained, would have been bad enough, but combined with the inflationary shock, the result was nuclear. In discussing how the press is sometimes accused of talking the country into a recession, he wondered whether HBOS’ own house price index that showed house prices falling dramatically was, in the end, a PR own-goal. Pessimism was undoubtedly driving the squeeze. Businesses generally were coping quite well, it was the banks that were in meltdown. So was there any good news?


    Falling oil prices offered some respite, perhaps, but the economy was at best flat, and given the news of the past few days, a mild recession looked an increasing probability. Inflation might fall, but only after the damage has already been done. “Is this the low point?” he asked. “The cathartic moment?” David believes that there is still more gloom on the way, and that the only surprise will be if there are no more surprises.


    “It will be a busy time for the debt collection industry,” he concluded, “and a busy time for economic journalists.”


    Given the task to ‘follow that’ was Godfrey Lancashire, former President of the CSA, who made an impassioned plea to members engaged in tracing to get into their MPs faces and start making some noise. His bete noir was the recent announcement that tracing agents would not have access to the edited electoral role, and he repeated that “tracing is lawful, necessary and justifiable.”


    Godfrey particularly focused on the nonsense of the Security Industry Authority’s intention to ‘license’ private investigators, including tracers, and the government’s rationale as to why tracing agents should be included. In picking apart the government’s argument, he rounded on them squarely, demonstrating how their key areas of concern were areas already dealt with in the CSA’s Code of Practice, a code that had since been revised and updated to include – for the first time ever – guidance for tracing agents specifically.


    Graham Haxton-Bernard of the CCTA ran through the post contract information requirements under the Consumer Credit Act 2006 before the morning session was concluded by a comment on the brave new world of consumer protection by Stephen Dawson of Shoosmiths. Stephen highlighted five of the 31 changes, notably those that might be defined as unfair, misleading and aggressive and how current practices within the debt sale and purchase market specifically might be interpreted negatively by the courts.


    After lunch, delegates broke into their respective ‘streams’ which this year were broken down into debt sale and purchase, collections management, public sector debt, and you and your business. Guests later returned for the President’s reception and the sumptuous Gala Dinner.


    Its all here


    CSA Website


    Anyone fancy a trip to London on Feb 5th



  5. "I am also in the process of reclaiming charges from EGG as I think there is a fair chunk I'm owed."


    If you are in the process of claiming back charges hold any payment until that is sorted out.


    As ODC says scan up the aggreement there will possibly be faults on it if moorcrap have the account.

  6. I would consider rejecting that as enforceable as it is obviously an application form, how do you know whether you were signing an agreement for a standard or platinum card.


    Prescribed terms look like they are not on the signature page.


    Crap scan probrably shredded the original, its up to you but I would tell them to sling their hook.


    Sections 6 and 7 probrably relate to PPI.

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