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Everything posted by traceyc

  1. Well i've done it!!..gulp..2 CCA's to moorcroft (+ a financial statement & the other letter) & littlewoods (+the other letter) & the other letter to legal direct! Sent them all recorded delivery & put the 2 postal orders in with the CCA! Cost £6!!!! I cant believe the post office charges £1.45 for a £1 postal order!! Phone rang bang on 8pm tonight - didnt answer it, pressed 1471 & it was moorcroft..again! Off to check if they replied to my e-mail Any bets out there??
  2. Well i checked my e-mails this afternoon after i e-mailed moorcroft (post 17) - no reply! Phone rings at 8pm tonight, I hang up & guess who it was! Dont they read the e-mail it said dont ring me!! The phone is now off the hook. Just re-checked e-mails & stil no reply! They cant want to speak to me that bad! Havnt posted the CCA & letter yet as i didnt get chance but will definatly do it tomorrow. Still petrified but getting mad now too! Might stick a financial statement in the letter too so they can see i cant afford to repay them, if they let me carry on paying what i have been for the last 6 years i would just leave things!
  3. Just wanted to subscribe to this thread, as i'm absoultly disgusted with how they have spoken to you & will be following your progress. Wish i could help but i'm new to this too! I know there are plenty of people here who can though. How do these people keep getting away with this?? Good luck, hope yo get em!
  4. Thanks I'm gonna send the letter tomterm8 gave me in post 29 together with the CCA request to moorcroft & littlewoods & just a copy of the letter (post 29) to legal direct. night all!
  5. Just tried to find address for littlewoods Extra All i can find is that it now seems to be called littlewoods direct & the only address is their ''brand new'' head office at: Skyways House Speke Road Speke Liverpool L70 1AB Should i send my CCA there? what department should i put on the envelope? Will it get to the right people??
  6. Thanks Rory Any chance you can answer any of the above so i can sleep tonight!!! Oh & 1 more question - can i send the above letter together with a CCA?
  7. Should i send this e-mail to moorcroft :- I wish to amend the following statement made in my previous e-mail:- ''Please note payments have been regularly made to Littlewoods Extra Ltd & i will continue to do so for the present.'' Amended to:- ''Please note payments have been regularly made to Legal Direct Recoveries Ltd.'' I will be writing in more detail regarding the matter...
  8. So I send this to all 3?? By letter or e-mail? What about the e-mail i just sent?? & i CCA moorcroft & littlewoods but not legal direct? Or do i not CCA now I'm getting very confused & tired!!!
  9. This is in the CCA letter - Please note that I do not acknowledge any debt to your company unless, or until, a true copy of the signed executed agreement is sent to me, together with proof that the alleged debt has been legally assigned to yourselves. Does that cover it? Also does it matter if i put in my e-mail that i am contining to pay littlewoods when i should have said legal direct?? Sorry to be a pain, but i'm very nervous about this AND on top of being in a car accident Thursday - that was not my fault!!! What next eh!!?!
  10. Just been looking for the address for Littlewoods to CCA them & realised i have been paying 'Legal Direct Recoveries Ltd' for years not littlewoods!!! Letters date back as far as 2001 - so do i CCA them not littlewoods??? I have no letters from Littlewoods!
  11. ok just hit the send button...gulp... i feel sick!!!
  12. Ok Done the e-mail & added this on the end:- ''I wish all further communications in writing or e-mail; phone calls will be considered harassment and will not be answered. If they continue I will make a report to the relevant authorities. Please note payments have been regularly made to Littlewoods Extra Ltd & i will continue to do so for the present...'' I want to carry on making payments & as i only have payment slips for littlewoods, ill pay them, the arrangement is for £2.50 a month. Hope i did right!!
  13. Anyone know their e-mail address? loking on their web site but cant seem to find one!
  14. Ok will send cca to both! The other e-mail, can i just put that letter in with the cca or does it need to be sent seperate? I'm very nervous about ''rocking the boat'' But that letter from them made me soo mad! Should i call Littlewoods first to see if there was a mix up with payments??
  15. Thanks, i know they are not charging me interest, i have been paying Littlewoods for about 6 yrs. Am i right in assuming the letter goes to Moorcroft? Should i call Littlewoods to see if wires have beeen crossed regarding payments? I just printed off this letter before i read your replies, will this be ok? With reference to the above agreement, I would be grateful if you would send me a copy of this credit agreement. I understand that under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (Sections 77−79), I am entitled to receive a copy of my credit agreement on request. I enclose a payment of £1.00, which represents the fee payable under the Consumer Credit Act. I understand a copy of my credit agreement should be supplied within 12 working days. I understand that under the Consumer Credit Act creditors are unable to enforce an agreement if they fail to comply with a request for a copy of the agreement under these sections of the Act. As you are aware, a credit agreement that is not properly documented and signed by the customer is totally unenforceable under the CCA and therefore is a complete defence to any court claim that is issued. You are notified that you are obliged to supply these documents, whether you are the original creditor or not under S189 of the CCA 1974. I wish all further communications in writing; phone calls will be considered harassment and will not be answered. If they continue I will make a report to the relevant authorities. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully
  16. Thankyou sooo much to everyone for your advice. I have not heard from Moocroft by phone since but have received what i consider a very nasty & dodgy letter. At the top in red it says: Pre-Court Division ''We have been instructed by Littlewoods Extra Ltd to collect your overdue debt. It is a legal requirement to send a notice of intended litigation before legal proccedings in the county court are issued. This letter fulfils this requirement even if it has not actually been read by you. To prevent legal action from being taken it is essential that you settle this debt without delay. Payment should be submitted in full within 7 days or contact made with thiis office immediatly by telephone, or letter with your payment offer. Failure to contact us by 10am on 09/05/07 may result in legal proceedings being issued against you without further notice. We draw your attention that is judgement & an order for repayment in full is obtained and remains unpaid enforcement of debt may be sought by one or more of the following procedures. 1. Warrant of execution by bailiffs against goods owned 2. application for attachment of earnings order with your present or future employer 3. application for a charging order on any property you may own or are purchasing under a mortgage..... '' Now i have made regular payments to Littlewoods so i dont know why they have passed the debt on. Littlewoods did not notify me that they were passing the debt on, infact i spoke to them only a few weeks ago to confirm my arrangement when they asked me to contact them to see if i could increase my payments (which i couldnt/didnt)!! Moorcraft said i had to contact them by 10am 0n 9/5/07 i only got the letter on Saturday 12th!! How do i deal with this? My gut feeling is to ring as i'm in panic mode! Or should i write & send a financial statement stating i cant increase payments & the CCA letter? If i ring do i tell them i'm gonna send a CCA letter or should i keep that quite??? Should i ring Littlewoods & ask why they passed iton & why they didnt tell me? Hope someone out there can help with some advice Thanks
  17. lol wish i was that brave!!! I wimped out & took the phone off the hook!! I have to deal with several 'agencies' (bad divorce/debt many moons ago - always made regular payments for last 6 years) But i dont know who these guys are maybe a debt has been passed onto them!! But nobody has notified me of that! I pretended it wasnt me when they called earlier & when i asked who was calling they said it was private, does that constitute not following the OFT guidelines? What is a CCA?? read a couple of threads about this, can you explain plz? Thanks for all your help
  18. Do i have to talk to them? I'm really tempted to just not answer the phone! These people scare the living daylights out of me! I've been avoiding EOS for months (making payments though!!) If i have to talk to them will they agree to write instead, it makes me feel ill having to talk to them!!! I thought if i avoided taking to them they would just write instead, am i doing wrong by not talking?? Do i sound a complete wimp!??!
  19. Thanks for calling for me. Do you know who they are??? They said they are calling back at 8.30pm
  20. Hi all I'm new to this forum & boy wish i'd known about it before! I have a freemans debt with EOS too but have no idea what a CCA is!! Had one horrible phone call & am now frightened to answer the phone!!! Can anyone fill me in on CCA?? Thanks
  21. Got a call from 01614752875, told them i wasnt in!!! When i asked who was calling they said its private i've been harrassed in the past & dont want to talk to them but how can i foind out who they are? Put number in yahoo & got a link to a thread here but it had been stopped. But it said something about parasite numbers & the other link went to a forum who said they were dodgey & it could be from national debt line! Can anyone help or shed some light for me?
  22. Hi EOS used to be logic plc, I also had a call from them & kept being put on hold whilst they spoke to their solicitors!! Do these agencies have their own solicitors or was he trying to intimidate me!!?? They wanted to know EVERYTHING & it they made me feel very uncomfortable to the point where i dont answer the phone now!!
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