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Everything posted by sharkyp

  1. i havent sent off for a cca a yet as they only contacted me last week but ive spoken to them and like i said offered what i consider to be reasonable instalments and even offered £500 to settle it,the clown on the phone hasnt even told me who the money is owed to so has anyone actually managed to sort out a good settlement with these people? thanks!
  2. hi all i am to getting grief off these clowns (ruthbridge) a guy named david davies? in respect to a debt to city finacial for £980 i have offered instalments and made an offer to settle but they are not interested any ideas as they are threatening me with bankrupcy and seizure off assets , there is no ccj registered for this debt but it shows as a default account to hillesden secureties! any help and i would be very grstefull thanks
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