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Everything posted by Lillywhizz

  1. Hi I'm newto this forum but have read this thread with interest as we have had our court date set for 7th August .. seems a long way off but will probably come round very quickly! The time allocated for our case is no more than 1 hour! Is this normal as others seem to only have 10 minutes allocated? Also, I think I've made a mistake with the costs claimed, in that the original statement of charges claims includes interest they charged in the early days of my having my account and going over the overdraft. Can I amend this when recalculating my charges claimed to put into the court bundle, or will I have to stick to my original amount? I'm a little worried as they have submitted quite a big defence to my claim, and am concerned that they might have picked up on this error? I'm hoping that like with other cases, they settle before it gets to court, but knowing the way my luck runs, they'll probably turn up and I'll get thrown out of court! Any help or advice would be very much appreciated. Regards Lillywhizz
  2. Hi I'm newto this forum but have read this thread with interest as we have had our court date set for 7th August .. seems a long way off but will probably come round very quickly! The time allocated for our case is no more than 1 hour! Is this normal as others seem to only have 10 minutes allocated? Also, I think I've made a mistake with the costs claimed, in that the original statement of charges claims includes interest they charged in the early days of my having my account and going over the overdraft. Can I amend this when recalculating my charges claimed to put into the court bundle, or will I have to stick to my original amount? I'm a little worried as they have submitted quite a big defence to my claim, and am concerned that they might have picked up on this error? I'm hoping that like with other cases, they settle before it gets to court, but knowing the way my luck runs, they'll probably turn up and I'll get thrown out of court! Any help or advice would be very much appreciated. Regards Lillywhizz
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