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Posts posted by madmaxctr

  1. Heard from the FOS and MINT (RBS) now wish to settle in full with interest to avoid the FOS doing a full investigation (what a surprise).

    MODS can we get my title updated to ******WON********* and if we have a MINT/RBS success folder feel free to move the thread.

    Ta very much for the help.

    MadMaxCTR :D

  2. Good to know m8, as i haven't found any posts about credit card claims through the FOS, just bank ones.


    The FOS sorted my Lloyds claim within a month and i got interest :D


    Lets hope they can pull it off for CrapOne

  3. Just curious has anyone had a claimed settled in full when they've referred it to the FOS for a credit card claim.


    I had Lloyds TSB, bank claim settled in full with interest but haven'r found any threads relating to credit card charges.



  4. we're a funny lot like that, how we feel pleased at the news we have ran our account badly; yet saddened at the news that we ran it correctly. (lol)


    Have you checked if they have a properly executed credit agreement? if not then there might be a chance that the agreement is unenforceable at law. Just a thought, and sorry if its old news.


    I like your thinking but the card is already closed.


    Unfortunately i think i'm running out of old credit cards and store cards. Beat Lloyds TSB as well, a day before the test case announcement. Oh well i suppose all this 'free' money was going to stop in the end. :rolleyes:

  5. I'm a motor claims handler so PM me if you want any help with anything.


    Anyway as the judgement has been set aside NU can know ack the claim form and enter a defence and counter claim for your loss (NU's outlay/cost of the repairs and any ULR's u have, excess, hire charges, PI etc etc)


    What i can't understand is now there's a liability dispute if it was a hit in rear claim. Is the TP alleging your husband cut him up/changed lanes or is it not as simple as a 'straight forward hit in rear'.


    Also I don't rate NU at all, in particular NU Direct, there a waste of space. So don't insure with them in future.

  6. Hi - my mum has recently won a claim for her business account however the bank is now refusing to except her cheque and closed down her accounts!


    She doesnt have a great credit history so cant open up another bank account.


    The cheque is payable to a limited company.


    Any help on cashing this much appreciate as Lloyds will not reissue the cheque in her own name


    Thanks x


    I imagine the cheque can only be in the name of the account, as its a bus account it will have to be in the business account name.


    She should be able to set up a basic business account elsewhere, even with bad history

  7. That's interesting, I have a feeling that the FOS is trying to clear as many cases as possible and are actually not pushing for interest. My case should have been settled before the test case annoucement, but because they were getting so busy, it was passed over to someone else to deal with and now this is the response.


    Did you claim contractual interest? Was the £2k including the interest?


    Hi nads,


    The 2K was including 8% interest as if i had issued county court proceedings.


    At least you got an offer from the FOS, everyone else who hasn't had an offer have had their claims frozen until the test case is resolved.


    Let us know what you decide.

  8. Unlucky Nads,


    I see your dilema. Its obviously a gamble to wait for the test case (which could be a good year or two) and if that goes in the banks favour then you wouldn't get anything. But otherwise you end up accepting this offer and losing the interest....


    I guess it come down to how badly u need the money. Getting full settlement without interest isn't that bad, is it?




    I was in trhe same boat as you, £750 good will payment then FOS for £2K ish claim, but Lloyds offered to settled in full plus interest a day or two before the OFT test case thing.

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