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Everything posted by storm21

  1. Well I have read wat you have rote and its really intresting how long this has been going on with you. I have not been in the position of you yet but sure i will be but anyway i think the reason they have just put the £750 into your account is because they no that they are in the wrong and they have probly recieved the court case notice they wanted to get you mayby out of the way. not to sure but if i where you i would contact the bank and tell them to take that money back and tell them that you want to proceed in the court case as if you win this you can get alot more then wat they offering u.
  2. Thanks for the vote of confidence
  3. It makes me so mad this bank as they keep on charging me £30 for being over drawn by just £1 or £2... They just charged me £60 for being over drawn all the way back in febuary this year and stuck with wat to do... I have been in uk for almost 2 years and they seem to be doing this to me the whole time and up to date they must have taken at least £500 away from me being a little over drawn. stuck with this bank as dont no wat to do and dont even no if il ever be able to claim this back :-x Help
  4. Hey there well thanks as im so tiered of all these banks taking charges from me and everyone else as they seem to take advantage wat you think:mad:
  5. Just wanted to say hi as just joined today and i was told about this place through a friend which is a really good idea as i am having so many problems with my bank as dont no where i stand and wat i can do so i treally hope i can sort out and chat to some good ppl who can give me some advise well hope everyone is well today:rolleyes:
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