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Everything posted by Marwood

  1. Wow! I've just spent the past few hours reading this, and I have to say - hats off to the two of you! I was uncertain about the whole process when I arrived on this forum this morning, but now I feel enlightened and informed! I am inspired, and am downloading your spreadsheet, and will be doing some calculations, post haste. Congratulations, and let justice be served!
  2. Thanks both: Gladstanes - I'm reading it all, but there's a lot out there Jubaxt - thanks - the SAR address wasn't too clear in the thread about contact details, as the second post gave a different address and seemed to be more recent - thanks for giving me a definitive answer! Registered post - good point, will do. Marwood
  3. Thanks jubaxt, Well, I guess I'll send the SAR (that is the data protection request for all details, yes?) and see what they send me. I send that to the birmingham address I presume enclosing £10. Cheque OK? I see a lot of mentions of money orders for some reason. A slight update: went through my statements since summer '03 (the earliest I can find online that has any charges) and just based on charges (not including overdraft interest yet, if at all) it looks like I can claim £870 on this one account! Definitely seems worthwhile. Interestingly, I can only go back as far as July 02 online, whereas I thought I'd be able to search back to April '01 (6 years). Marwood
  4. Hi all, After 20 or so years of banking with TSB, now LloydsTSB (does the merger affect things?) and being fleeced again and again, I want to do this. Having held several accounts (although I closed the 'select' accounts a few years ago as I resented paying the select account fee each month) with them for many, many years I have 2 main questions: How far back could I claim? As said, I've banked with them for most of my life. Prior to 1996 is not an issue as I barely used them, but then I went to Uni, and bank charges became part of life. Throughout university I occasionally became overdrawn, which would lead to them charging me the month after, which usually threw me into the red again, for which they would then charge me again, and so on. I would love to be able to claim that back as I was always so annoyed at the stupidity of the situation. Secondly, I only have one account open now, but previously had more (for rent, savings etc) - can I ask for all my statements on all accounts past and present? Thanks for any advice, Marwood
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