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Posts posted by BigCol

  1. Hello all,


    I have been very busy on behalf of the British Tax-payer and unable to keep up to date with CAG matters, glad people are still reading 'my story' though, all I can say is that whatever happens, keep cool and keep checking the latest on the CAG, ask if you don't understand and read as much as you can. It is so worth it in the end, just getting your money is great, but knowing that the Bank has listened to you (not just a number) is a great feeling.





  2. Louise,


    I agree with LL, it's a very emotive addition that won't actually gain you anything. The facts of the matter are that thee Banks are in the wrong and you are using the legal service to enable you to recoup your charges. Try and remain aloof, you have the high ground and you don't need to get yourself worked up and angry unecessarily.





  3. Jo,


    just PM'd you, but like Willow says, STICK TO IT! Until they cough up, they are in the wrong, it is your money and how great would it make Christmas for you to have it all back?


    BC:cool: (BC is back from afar!)xx

  4. Alison,


    I used the very basic spreadsheet and just applied the 8% interest, I couldn't be banjaxed with working out all the hard sums. Too much effort for this poor bear. At the end of the day, you have to work out what you want to end up with, for me the 8% was enough to help clear my overdraft and no mistake. Bang the figures in and see what the answer is, if you like it, go for that. If that's not enough then you have to read through Vampiress' google spreadsheet (needs a good while and a very clear head mind).


    Sup to you!!



  5. Cheers Everyone!


    If you're reading this and still thinking about it, don't! Just get on and do it. The sooner you start the ball rolling the sooner you'll feel as good as we all do!!




    It's just a shame that Col's Caff will have to close, I'd got some great plans for expansion: the Cobblers Bar, special 50% deals, mispelt specials and threatening looking prices; the Mclean Room, all fur coat and no knickers, leather look pvc sofas that really are not comfortable and coffee that leaves a sweet taste in your mouth!


    Ho hum......:cool:


    Mange Tout!!



  6. Well everyone,


    I have some good news and some bad news.


    The good news is that:


    I have WON!!!

    That's right, Cobblers have sent me a cheque this morning for £3.7k!!! All I need to do is check that is right (Doh! - left my spreadsheet at work!!). No doubt the RBS will still concoct some charges on my account this month, but I'm sure that they can be sorted out, at least I know what to do now!!


    All I can say is that this is the best thing I have ever done for myself. Without the help and guidance from this Site I would have been looking down the proverbial barrel of a loaded gun. It may seem that I have had a tortuous route, but it hasn't been that bad. The standard letters, spreadsheets and advice have worked. If Cobblers took a better attitude to their Client's money (and I do mean the RBS and not my money), this would have been solved a lot quicker and not have cost an extra £500.


    Don't just sit there thinking about it, DO IT:cool: !!


  7. Nah,


    not any more.....


    Cos .....

    I've won tooooooo!!!

    That's right, a cheque from Cobblers arrived this am for £3K!! Just need to check that the amount covers everything and ensure that the Bank doesn't charge me any more this month, that would just be stupidity on their part, so I am entirely expecting it!!!!


    Cheers to everyone for the advice, councel and guidance. It has sooo been worth it!!



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