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Everything posted by The_Lipstick_Conspiracies

  1. Thanks Chris, I've been paying them since about November - however my partner has about 8 different accounts - I stated in my communication my payment was to jointly cover them all but they dont seem to have listened hence why they keep threatening to come round. I'm not excatly sure what is owed, probably about £3k. They've also claimed on one occassion they have sent a bailiff round when i know for a fact they havent! If they were to get in what kinds of things will they be looking to take? Would they take items like CD's etc? I've got literally thousands of them and am seriously considering moving them back to my parents so they're safe! The other thing, my partner contacted someone off here (i'm not sure who) to check if said bailiff is actually certified by equita and according to this person they are certified by a completely different company. He's treid speaking to the council who just seem to think equita are wonderful and would do nothing wrong!!
  2. My partner knows a fair amount of Council Tax from years before I even knew him, the debt is currently with Equita and I have been paying them £5 a week which they have told me they will accept. However, for the past 3 weeks just before the weekend we have been getting letters aying the bailiffs are coming round to remove goods that weekend. So far they havent been but I'm really worried. My partner has siad not to let them in etc but the letters that have been sent basically suggest that they'll come in regardless of whether anyone id there or not. The vast majority of stuff in the house is mine but on previous discussion with the bailiff have been told that unless i have reciepts of bank statement showing them being purchased they have every right to take them. is this correct? it doesnt seem fair these are items i bought when i was still in my early teens, how can anyone expect me to have a reciept. also why should they take my stuff for a debt that was accrued by my partner when i was still in high school. The other thing, as they have cashed the cheques i sent and in my letter i stated these were being sent as a proposed payment plan, can they still send the bailiffs round, or does this not hold any ground with them. I'm really worried, if it was my debt then then i would have to accept responsibility, but my partner seems really complacent about it while i'm getting all the stress.
  3. i bought a camera. what if the person i bought off no longer has the money in their account and don't have funds on their credit card etc will i still be refunded?
  4. i did only pay a small amount of postage, which is probably why it was sent normal post - i doubt i paid enough to cover recorded. No one has mentioned the police - would it not be worth reporting this to them?
  5. five days, have contacted seller who says they have posted it, haven't contacted ebay and paid via paypal and have opend and escalted a dispute. should i now involve the police?
  6. Have recently purchased an item via Ebay, however after several days have not received it. As it is a costly item £265, is this something i should report to the police and will they do anything about it?
  7. Is there anyway of claiming these back in the same way you can bank charges? Also, is it actually necessary to get copies of all bank statements or is it just sufficient to send a latter stating the account number etc? its just i feel i've paid enough with to these companies without spending a fortune getting statements. Thanks!
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