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Everything posted by ChipnNick

  1. Micheal, I think you have posed an interesting question here. You know, I have a similar problem in that all I seem to be doing is working to pay off interest on cards and loans from long ago.Divorce,losing equity and a bad move with a relationship resulted in making my financial situation a complete disaster zone. Anyway, I have now met a dual citizenship Australian who wants to move back to Australia and take me with her. I have thought many times about BR but worry about the consequenses in the post BR situation. Just what happens, will I be able to get a mortgage and all the other practical applications in the process of life. Still in a situation of owing a great deal of money with no hope of paying off in the short term. Would BR be a solution and would I be allowed to emigrate to Australia. As a note, My GF is completly solvent, has a house with mortgage, has investments. So....do not want to harm her credit rating which is 100 per cent. Would the BR option harm her ratings as we living at the same address? As a footnote, Michael I wish you the best of luck. Nick
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