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Mike H

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Everything posted by Mike H

  1. HELLO EVERY ONE!!! BANK CHARGES HAVE BEEN RECLAIMED IN FULL!! £2077 into my account.... What do i do with this thread.... But far more importantly... A HUGE HUGE "Thank you!!!!!!" to everyone for your help!! Your site is great and its been much appreciated!! Mikey
  2. Hello everyone!! Well thats it!! All the time has passed and no response so its time to go to court!!! Is it usual that there is no response AT ALL...? i take it ot's their way of hoping we 'Go away!'...
  3. Hello... Breif Update... I'm about to send my Letter Before Action... No reponse AT ALL from Natwest with the first letter... Fingers crossed to see how this one goes... A BIG thanks for all your help so far guys!!
  4. Hello everyone.. I'm about to send my initial approach for repayment letter... If i have a default charges on my account, does that mean its against my equifax/expirian credit search given that this is in the template letter??? "Additionally you have entered a default notice against my credit record. This default occurred merely in respect of unlawful charges levied by you or was the result of impecuniosity caused directly by the taking by you of penalty charges which you had applied unlawfully to my account. In addition to full payment of the sum mentioned above, I require that you remove the default entry from the register. Please note that mere correction or amendment to the entry will not be acceptable." Cheers peeps!!
  5. Hello guys! I can't seem to find the calculator for interest on my charges anywhere, i have my statements and i'm ready to go... Almost Thanks Mikey
  6. Hello fellow bank charge haters.... I've just started getting my statments through after sending out the first letter which is good as it seems thay owe 1k without interest added after 2 just years on one account alone!! Once i've worked out what they owe i'll go "gun hoe" to get it back... They are quite cheeky in the way they send every statement so you have to traul through them hey?? The very best of luck to everyone on this forum and i would like to thank you all for your help in advance as no doubt i'll be calling on you soon.. My first post complete.. Thanks again guys Mike
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