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  1. My 6 years worth of statements also arrived inaripped cheap brown envelope. I have just joined the group and am worried about the length of time it appears to take to gain satisfaction. I have read in news papers and web sites that it need only take weeks rather than months. However that does not account for delaying tactics I still have no address or departement to deal with and am wrorried that lack of response from Nat west As it is all call centre I posted my request by hand inmmy local branch I have kept copies of everything but did not imagine I would have to Register them. The first hand delivered missive gained a response in 30 days Ok My statements I then sent , hand delivered to my branch -a request for payment /refund with a copy list of all charges - both the total charges and a total with interest Asking fora response in 14 days Nothing Not even a "we are dealing it" So I have no name /department /or ref number to reply to. 2nd letter went again hand delivered -withpout prejudice asking for a lower settlement figure in 14 days orcourt action = again nothing I should be starting court action tomorrow should I just go for it or fax to that number for S Higley , giving 24hrs Anyone got an address that I might use.I feel as if I have not done enough homework
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