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Everything posted by free_spirit

  1. Gyzmo Thank you so much for your reply and kind advise. You are a star. The manager still hasn't phoned me back so if no call today I will get on to Head Office and complain about the shoddy customer service too. Thanks again for taking time out to reply, it's very much appreciated.
  2. I took delivery of a bathroom suite on 10 July. When my bathroom fitter arrived to install it (14/07) he informed me that the suite would not fit as the bath was not a standard size i.e. 1700x700mm. The actual size of the bath is 1700x750mm. As my bathroom is a very small room I had taken my measurements to the store and was advised by the salesperson that this particular suite would definately fit. I went back to the store on 14/07 to ask for a refund and was advised that I needed to phone their customer service number to arrange to have the suite returned. On telephoning the given number I was put through to the actual store where the assistant manager has refused to take the suite back! Her excuse is 1) This is an expensive suite and we wouldn't be able to sell it on and 2)We should have checked the size when buying. I pointed out that I had taken my measurements with me at the time of buying and that her salesperson had assured me that it was a standard sized bath. Additionally, the advertised suite does not show the size of the bath in their brochure or online (although all their other ranges do). Indeed no sizes were shown instore either. How was I suppose to know the size of the bath differed from the standard if her salesperson did not mention it or if this information is not pointed out in their advertising material? I am awaiting a return call from the store manager but would be grateful if anyone could advise me if I have a right to return this suite and have my money refunded. Many thanks
  3. Hello Joa You might like to try the association of young ME sufferers at Association of Young People with ME - AYME - ME/CFS Charity I am a sufferer of ME/CFS and the following discussion groups have been invaluable to me with their knowledge and support. These sites are not only for people who suffer with this condition but for carers too. Foggy Friends Where ME/CFS Sufferers Unite - Myalgic Encephalopathy - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome - Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome - Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Brainfog The One Click Group - Home is a pressure group fighting for people with this disorder and was set up by a mother whose child was originally diagnosed with ME/CFS. Has a wealth of information that may help you. Good luck in your search and if their is anything I may help you with then please do not hesitate to contact me.
  4. Thanks guys. Wouldn't have done it without you all.
  5. OMG! I have won! Letter received today 'We believe the charges we levy are for providing services and are fair, reasonable etc, but as a gesture of goodwill are prepared to offer you £3300 which is the amount of my claim. I didn't get to file at court (had a relapse in my condition and have been bedbound 99% of the last month) and was hoping to get myself together to file tomorrow if nothing had been heard back from NatWest. Thank you so much to all Caggers. I would not have been able to do this without your advice and knowledge. Donation to follow as soon as funds back into my account. Now to my credit cards. Watch out Crap One and Barclaycard, here I come! Oh can someone move this thread to Successes for me? Free (at last!).
  6. Wow! Congratulations. Go treat yourself to something nice. Free
  7. Finally started the ball rolling after thinking about doing it for the last 12 months (mind I do have a chronic illness of which stress pays a major part [thank you Mr NatWest for definately playing a part in this] and I haven't had the strenght to start before now). So here goes; 13/03/07 Request for statements. These arrived about 3 weeks later in the usual tatty/ripped envelope. 17/04/07 Prelim letter claiming £3300 of charges. 20/04/07 standard computer generated letter from Mr Higley - 'we are currently investigating your claim. Well actually they sent this twice so I think they have failed to keep a copy. 03/05/07 LBA posted today recorded delivery. Wish me luck guys Free (dictionary definition - able to act at will, not under compulsion or restraint; not restricted or affected by; not subject to cost or tax (quite apt don't you think ).
  8. [i have had a letter twice now telling me they are investigating my concerns, 2nd one said sorry it was not concluded within four weeks and that they anticipate a further 4 weeks to sort it but they will write to me after 4 weeks and let me know how long it will take, looks like they are fobbing me off]Loud cheers for this site. Have managed to get through the process thanks to its FAQ as far as "sorry you're not happy". Now I've got the reassuring news that "we will investigate the concerns you have raised with us" (that was the plain vanilla Request for Repayment) & "would expect our enquiries to be complete within the coming 2 weeks". Does anyone else have this sort of (/feels like) template letter from the Customer Service Recovery Centre, and what should I expect next?! no longer as scared blinking_idiot Data Protection Act request sent 19/06/2006. Statements received 12/07/2006. Request for repayment of charges sent 30/07/2006. "Sorry you're unhappy" response received 10/08/2006.
  9. Deller thank you so much for your kind words and the helpful advise you have provided. The useful links you have posted will come in handy and will save me from going all over the place when trying to find what I need. Thanks again.
  10. Thanks for your welcome Nattie and yes thats the address I used.
  11. Hi all I too finally received my statements in a tatty, ripped brown envelope that my postman had delivered to a neighbour! I spent the evening fuming after doing my list of charges etc and couldn't believe they had come out so high. I knew back in the summer of 2004 that I had been clobbered very hard with charges. I had exceeded overdraft limit by £1.50 in the January (blame xmas ), not noticed (my fault didn't open statements ) and by August had charges coming out of the roof! Talk about snowballing! Natwest took the whole of my August wages in charges and when I tried to show how unfair they were being and pleaded with them not to take everything, (had 3 kids to feed) had a girl in the call centre laugh at me (her colleagues too as I think she had me on speaker phone). Well I have finally drafted my prelim letter and posted it today by recorded delivery. The total charges are £3300. Let's just hope I can make nastywest smile on the other side of his face when he gets it
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