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  1. Hi, firstly I have never been on a forum before so hope i'm doing things right. I have been having loads of threatening phone calls from HFO about a Barclaycard debt. I firstly got their pack and wrote to them requesting proof of the debt, after several weeks I still have't received anything just more horrible phone calls. I sent a letter special delivery to ask for this evidence and very nicely explained that as soon as I have the documented evidence I will pay. I've just got a telephone response which said that they have sent documents several times and won't send again. I said that in that case I will drive to their office at 9am Tuesday to collect info myself and if i'm satisfied I will write them a cheque. They said that this was not good enough and said a manager would call me back - I haven't heard anything but don't really know what to do but i am anxious.
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