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poor graduate

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Everything posted by poor graduate

  1. Help! I carefully read all the info and worked out all charges and sent off my letter - and got what appears to be the standard "stinky" reject letter saying that charges were needed to cover their extra services! So my question is what do I do now?? Is there another letter I can send or is it time for the dreaded courts?? All advice really needed as am feeling very timid about this!!! ta xx
  2. Hi, Thanks Paul, thats a great relief, my loan is for a similar amount! Phew! Okay, guess I'll start the proceedings! Now time to bite the bullet and write that letter! Cheers again!
  3. Hi, Anyone know if Lloyds will make me repay me loan if I start proceedings to get my charges back?? I cant afford to pay it all off if they do and its putting me off starting the process! Help! Any advice greatly received!
  4. Hi I too am just starting out on this process, I have 3 accounts with Lloyds and a loan (started due to the charges!) Im worried that they will demand full payment of my loan if I start this process! Any advice?
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