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  1. I just read tiglets saga - blimey that is bad. My probs are a bit more straightforward. Gas is on a meter - I keep putting credit in that is not showing up I have done their card thing test and they say the meters okay but where is my cash going. I put a fiver on it and it shows up as 2 pounds. I can't afford it as I'm on benefits. I have rung and rung to no avail, it seems I can't prove this is even happening. Also, I put five pounds credit on yesterday afternoon and today I had no gas. How can I use that much gas in one single evening?? Electric. When I switched from card meter to direct debit I thought I would save money. Now I pay three times more and they are always writing to me saying I owe them even more money, I straight up can not understand why. The house is gas central heated and I have a gas oven. I don't have any electric heating implements. The only thing that is electric is really the shower. I would like to switch supplier but fear a huge bill of electricity that is outstanding. Npower can give me no explanation as to why my bills have rocketed. What should I do?
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