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Everything posted by bakerag

  1. The Financial Ombudsman have managed to get me £200 in compensation for closing my account, although I haven't actually received it yet.
  2. I don't know if I am the first, but I have made a succesful claim against A&L and have been able to keep my account open. My account was due to close 'on or around the 1st September'. I phoned the Alliance and Leicester today because my account had been suspended, spoke to the advisor to complain that I was unable to move money, and my direct debits and standing orders had disapeared. The advisor told me that I had requested that my account be closed because of the bank charges. I then told the advisor that I had not asked for it to be closed and I did not want my account closed or suspended and could she re-instate it. The advisor said she would have to speak to the Closures Department, which she did, I was then told the account would not be closed and she would re-instate all my standing orders and direct debits. 5 minutes after I logged back on to my account and everything was back to normal. I had complained to the Financial Services Ombudsman and I had also sent a letter telling them I did not want them to close my account.
  3. I don't know if I am the first, but I have made a succesful claim against A&L and have been able to keep my account open. My account was due to close 'on or around the 1st September'. I phoned the Alliance and Leicester today because my account had been suspended, spoke to the advisor to complain that I was unable to move money, and my direct debits and standing orders had disapeared. The advisor told me that I had requested that my account be closed because of the bank charges. I then told the advisor that I had not asked for it to be closed and I did not want my account closed or suspended and could she re-instate it. The advisor said she would have to speak to the Closures Department, which she did, I was then told the account would not be closed and she would re-instate all my standing orders and direct debits. 5 minutes after I logged back on to my account and everything was back to normal. I had complained to the Financial Services Ombudsman and I had also sent a letter telling them I did not want them to close my account.
  4. I am now back from my holiday, and am interested in taking out an injunction to stop the Alliance and Leicester closing my account. Can someone explain how I would go about doing this?
  5. I would be interested in taking out an injunction, but I am worried about the costs and would like to know more about what it involves. I am also concerned about the time, I am going on holiday this Friday and will be away for three weeks. I have written to the bank telling them that I do not want my account closed and asking for an extension to the 1st September date, which I have been told will be when they will close my account. If I don't get the extension, I need to make arrangements before I go on holiday.
  6. I have been with the Alliance and Leicester for over 15 years and am generally satisfied with the service I have received, I can see no reason to move. As far as I am aware I have been a model customer and have done nothing wrong. For the bank to turn round after all this time and treat me so badly is absolutely appalling, they shouldn't be doing this and shouldn't be allowed to get away with. The rules are clear and appears that there is a code of conduct that the banks are supposed to adhere to. I get the feeling that most people think the Financial Ombudsman (0845 080 1800) is fairly ineffectual. But unless everyone who has had their accounts closed makes a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman, then it can't be shown that they are. It is very easy to do a simple five minute phone call, that generates more paper work and man hours for the bank, if nothing else it is another thorn in the side of banks that might prompt them to make the charges they make proportional to the costs incurred.
  7. The reason they have given is 'As it is clear that you do not accept certain aspects of the terms and conditions for the operation of your account we regret that we are unable to continue to offer you banking facilities' I went to the Ombudsman because that was what I was advised to do by the Consumer Direct advice service on 08454 04 05 06, and I wasn't sure how else to proceed. I have written to the bank asking them not to close my account or at least give me another 30 days before doing so as I am on holiday and will not have time to make other arrangements. I have also written to them asking for a copy of the contract and asking them to highlight the part of the contract that they tell me I do not accept. I should then be able to pursue this with the OFT's Contract Regulation Unit. What other advice can you give me? How would I get an injunction to stop them closing my account.
  8. I don't know if this is the right place to post. I tried to post in 'Other Helpful Organisations' 'The Banking Ombudsman' and it said to post under 'General' I have recently had a letter from the Alliance and Leicester saying they are going to close my account, which I don't want to happen. I phoned the Financial Ombudsman on 0845 080 1800 and they dealt with my case over the phone and gave me a reference number, they have said they will be writing to the bank, asking them to respond to the complaint. As I understand it, if the bank does not resolve the complaint then the Financial Ombudsman will take the matter futher.
  9. I have recently had a letter from the Alliance and Leicester saying they are going to close my account, and I have been in contact with the Financial Services Ombudsman (0845 080 1800) who are writing to the bank, I'm not sure how much good it will do, but it is another option. Has anyone else done the same and what was the outcome?
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