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Everything posted by MigitMark

  1. Ok, following the advice I have been given, I have today telephoned the Gedling Borough Council to let them know the state of affairs with Rossendales and ask if they will take back the debt. They were absolutely no help whatsoever. They said that they couldn't take control of the debt again because it was already in Rossendales hands. They also said that Rossndales could do what they had said they were going to do, even though they acknowledged that I was paying the monthly amounts via Rossendales online payment system. They did say, though, that they would telephone Rossendales and ask them to phone me back this afternoon. So far, they haven't done. I have drafted a letter to Rossendales which can be found on the other thread on this. Apart from this, what else can I do? I cannot afford to pay the whole debt off in one go and Rossendales or Gedling Borough Council don't seem to be listening to me even though I have been paying a monthly amount. Does anyone have any further advice for me, time is ticking on this.
  2. Hi Herbie, Following your advice, I will be sending the following letter to Rossendales today. I would appreciate your thoughts. Monday, 26 March 2007 Rossendales Hardman Hill New Hall Hey Road Rossendale Lancashire BB4 6HH Your ref:- I refer to your latest letter which was posted through my door on Friday 23rd March, 2007 and a copy of which is enclosed. Because of the fact that my previous letters have been ignored, I am now copying in the Gedling Borough Council, my local Councillor and the ESA. Before I address the following may I say that I have at no time refused to pay this debt and, indeed, I have been actively doing so. If I were attempting not to pay then I may understand your actions. The letter posted has the following statement “I have signed Walking Possession. Removal will be done in your absence if necessary”. May I please say that I do know my rights in this matter. I have not signed a walking possession. At no time has the Bailiff ever entered my home and he has not Levied any of my goods. In fact, I am living in furnished privately rented accommodation and very few of the goods are my own and certainly not enough to discharge the above debt. I will not be allowing entry into my premises and should the Bailiff attempt to illegally enter in my absence, I will take the matter to court. I am at a loss to understand why I keep being threatened in this way. I am still paying £150 a month under the current agreement and I have written to you twice regarding this matter, both letters have gone ignored. I would also like to know why the amount keeps increasing. The first of your recent letters concerning a second amount (date as postmark) stated that I owed £259.57. I did not ignore this, I wrote to you. (Please refer to my letter dated 6th February, 2007.) Instead of replying to this, you then sent a further letter asking for £369.57 (dated 15th March, 2007). Why the increase? I then wrote to you again (Please refer to my letter dated 20th March, 2007.) I still had no reply and instead had the enclosed letter pushed through my door. The amount had then increased to £429.57. In addition to this, on the enclosed letter I am being asked for the full amount of the existing agreement with you of £1413.32. Why? This debt is being paid off at £150 a month as per agreement with yourselves. The last payment on this was made online on the 28th February, 2007. (Email confirmation enclosed) The next is not due until the end of this month. As stated previously, I have no problem with paying this debt at a rate that I can afford but I draw the line at the threat of goods being taken unless the full amount is paid when I have already been making regular payments to you as per the agreement. I would like your assurance that no-one will be coming to my house to attempt to take away any goods in this instance. I would also like to request a complete list of charges made to my account since this first began as, at the moment, I feel that I am paying off charges rather than paying off this debt. Many thanks. Regards,
  3. Many thanks for your advice Herbie, You are right...I haven't signed anything...he just states in the letter that he signed it. I agreed terms originally by letter to Rossendales HO. Unfortunately, they are ignoring any further letters from me despite my sending them by recorded delivery. I did think that the charges were illegal and extortionate. It appears that anything I have so far paid seems to have been paying Rossendale charges as opposed to the overdue Council Tax. I will certainly do as you suggest regarding the letters. However, what happens if they ignore the letter again. The Bailiff is due to return this Friday unless the debt is settled in full. Although he is not allowed to, would he try to gain entry to my property in my absence despite my letter and how can I stop him doing this?
  4. Sorry, I have posted this twice as I was unsure if I had to start a new thread on this. Apologies for the duplication. Hi all, I am new to this forum but would like to ask the following question. I have been paying a council tax bill by £150 a month to Rossendales. They recently came up with another amount from the Council Tax and demanded payment. Originally this was £250. I sent them a letter saying that I would like to add this amount to the debt that I was already paying as I would find it virtually impossible to pay any more. I also gave them the information that they already had on my incomings/outgoings(they already hold proof of this from the previous account.) This letter was posted by recorded delivery. Instead of receiving a reply to this they just sent me another letter demanding that I pay or I will have my goods removed. They also added another £110 to the amount I owed. I replied to this letter, once again, by recorded delivery saying that at most, I could only afford to pay another £20 a month on what I was already paying. Once again, they ignored this and instead sent a bailiff around to remove my goods. Luckily, I was out at the time, but he pushed a letter through my door saying that I now had to pay the full amount of both bills amounting to £1900 within 7 days or he would be around again to remove goods. Oh, by the way, he had once again added £110 to the amount. In the letter he pushed through the door it was stated as follows:- "I have signed walking possession. Removal will be done in you absence if necessary" Is he allowed to do this? I have signed nothing. Can he sign the walking possession himself and is he allowed entry in my absence? From all the information I am reading I believe he is not. However, as this final date is the 30th of this month I would like to make sure. I am also sure that these charges are excessive.
  5. Hi all, I am new to this forum but would like to ask the following question. I have been paying a council tax bill by £150 a month to Rossendales. They recently came up with another amount from the Council Tax and demanded payment. Originally this was £250. I sent them a letter saying that I would like to add this amount to the debt that I was already paying as I would find it virtually impossible to pay any more. I also gave them the information that they already had on my incomings/outgoings(they already hold proof of this from the previous account.) This letter was posted by recorded delivery. Instead of receiving a reply to this they just sent me another letter demanding that I pay or I will have my goods removed. They also added another £110 to the amount I owed. I replied to this letter, once again, by recorded delivery saying that at most, I could only afford to pay another £20 a month on what I was already paying. Once again, they ignored this and instead sent a bailiff around to remove my goods. Luckily, I was out at the time, but he pushed a letter through my door saying that I now had to pay the full amount of both bills amounting to £1900 within 7 days or he would be around again to remove goods. Oh, by the way, he had once again added £110 to the amount. In the letter he pushed through the door it was stated as follows:- "I have signed walking possession. Removal will be done in you absence if necessary" Is he allowed to do this? I have signed nothing. Can he sign the walking possession himself and is he allowed entry in my absence? From all the information I am reading I believe he is not. However, as this final date is the 30th of this month I would like to make sure. I am also sure that these charges are excessive.
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