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Everything posted by BiscuitBoy23

  1. Hi again! We have completed and returned our AQ along with Draft Order request etc. As I'm an impatient so-and-so I rang the court handling our claim and they confirmed receipt of our AQ, but LTSB had not returned theirs. The final date for LTSB to return is today, so I'm intrigued as to what happens if they don't submit their AQ at all? The end is in sight......... Thanks, BB.
  2. Thanks Barty. Just wanted to check something please....If the judge accepts our Draft Order for Directions; specifically what documentation do we need to send in? Also, although I understand it's not guaranteed, could we wait for LTSB to make an offer following the Draft Order for Direction before we send any additional docs in? Many thanks, BiscuitBoy
  3. Thanks to all who replied. It is, as always, very much appreciated. I wish we'd have used CAG from the beginning, but we started this process with moneysavingexpert - no disrespect to htem, but CAG are far more detailed. Does it matter if we haven't sent copies of the charges we've incurred to the court? We only sent them to LTSB when we first requested the refund of our charges. Also we just printed out details of our charges from our on-line facility with LTSB, is that ok? Or do we HAVE to request full details directly from LTSB? I'm hopeful that we've done things correctly so far, despite only just starting to use CAG for guidance.....fingers crossed! BiscuitBoy
  4. I have read some great advice on the AQ, especially as we are about to send ours! I've posted this question on another thread, but am desperate for an asnwer, so sorry if I'm doubling up! Could I clarify a few points please? When we return the AQ with Draft Order for Directions and other information, do we: 1. send copies of all these docs to LTSB? 2. include copies of a) b) c) d) stated in The Draft Order for Directions or just return the Draft Order and additional info to the court? Apologies if I'm being a bit slow on the uptake, just wanted to make sure I've done it right! BiscuitBoy:confused:
  5. Great advice on the AQ, especially as we are about to send ours! Could I clarify a few points please? When we return the AQ with Draft Order for Directions and other information, do we: 1. send copies of all these docs to LTSB? 2. include copies of a) b) c) d) stated in The Draft Order for Directions? Apologies if I'm being a bit slow on the uptake, just wanted to make sure I've done it right! BiscuitBoy:confused:
  6. Many thanks to Barty and Varangian3 for your replies. Will keep the thread updated with all outcomes. Fingers crossed! BiscuitBoy:)
  7. Hi All, I've got a claim ongoing with LTSB at present. It's going to plan at present - thanks to some reassurance from Rooster and loads of helpful threads (thanks to you all!). £4,800 should be back in our grubby mits within a few weeks.........probably months!!! Can we use the same approach for reclaiming credit card charges? I've briefly looked, but nothing stands out? I've got the bit between my teeth now and feel like taking on all the b*st*rds that have had our money unfairly and made things unneccessarily hard for me and my Mrs! Good luck to you all! Long live CAG!!! BiscuitBoy:-D
  8. That's what they told me! There was no 'maybe' 'perhaps' 'possibly' or any ambiguity whatsoever. This guy clearly stated that a legal claim was the only way to guarantee getting all your money back! The only concern I have is that he also told me Lloyds do not contest claims and simply ignore the doumentation sent; therefore losing the claim by default but not actually admitting liability! Now we are going to court, it seems that was nonsense....so maybe everything else he told me is too???:-|
  9. Thanks again. I can't believe a member of Lloyds staff, working in a dept dedicated to customers with bank charges issues, categorically stated that if we file a claim with small claims court then Lloyds simply do not contest it! And that is the only way to guarantee a 100% return of the claim! He also said that we have 2 other options; Wait for Lloyds to make a 'goodwill' offer - typically 25% of the amount being claimed or wait for the ruling from the office of fair trading and that would be likely to return 66% of the total amount claimed. Has anybody else encountered this? Would that give us some kind of legal comeback - especially if the call was recorded? Cheers, BiscuitBoy
  10. Thanks Rooster. With reagrds to the loan repayments - because we have been in financial difficulty, we made an arrangement with Lloyds for token payments for 6 months. We have maintained these payments, but we are only paying around 20% of the original repayment amount - hope that makes sense? Do you think this would have an impact? Thanks BiscuitBoy:)
  11. Hi, Hoping for some advice/encouragement as we prepare to go to court with Lloyds TSB. We are currently claiming for £4,800 and have submitted a claim through HMCS On-Line. Lloyds have acknowledged and defended the claim. This itself came as a shock, because a member of Lloyds staff told me (officially) that Lloyds DO NOT defend claims through HMCS and you win by default and this is the only way to get 100% of your money back from Lloyds! We are prepared to go to court, but are concerned that because we have an over-draft and 2 small loans with them, this will hinder the claim. Especially as we have temporary arrangement for the repayment of the loans. Will Lloyds defend the claim by cititng the fact we owe them money? I thought they couldn't, because the loans are on a separate agreement and nothing to do with the charges? We can handle them closing the account and paying the overdraft. as it would still mean we have quite a bit left. Any thoughts/advice for me? Thanks. BiscuitBoy:confused:
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