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Everything posted by custardcream

  1. Hello mate , good luck with your claim , started mine a couple of days ago . Is there an average time for settlement ? - Reading several other threads i would say about 3 months , but if it takes 5-6 months then so be it , just hold out for every single penny .
  2. SAINT-LUCO ,Thanks that was the address i was after .
  3. Could somebody kindly reply with the full address of the edinburgh address - po box 1000 etc - i need to e-mail a friend with the full address , thanks .
  4. Right , I've just posted letter off and now will just have to wait a while until i get my statements back and see what my total charges add up to . By the way i am a postie so if anyone as any queries regarding recorded/special deliverys etc then just ask away . Thanks cc .
  5. Well done mate , how long did youf fight last ?
  6. Just to confirm before i post letter off to Edinburgh. I've copied the letter off word for word , put in my account number , do i need to put in address of my nat west branch and any other details ? Thanks .
  7. PARKVALE- Thanks , will keep you posted every step of the way . I've already e-mailed family and friends about this site so watch out ! Thanks to everyone for their help and advice so far and to anybody reading this thread and others don't be put off - GO FOR IT !
  8. Right here we go . I have written out copy of letter [ i don't have a printer so all my letters will have to be hand written] got my 10 pound postal order made out to nat west and posting these to Edinburgh . Wish me luck !
  9. I'm getting 2 different pieces of advice from various people so far ! I don't have a cheque book so will a postal order do? - made out to nat west , i then send this and my letter to data protection address po box 1ooo edinburgh etc .
  10. LIVELY LAD - Thanks for your advice so far . I have spent the last couple of hours reading the forum , FAQS section and the step by step instruction page . I will now make a copy of the basic DNA letter to my bank and send this off with a £10 postal order to receive my statement of charges . I will send this letter to my branch tomorrow . Is there anything else i can do or need to know at this point ? Thanks , custardcream .
  11. Hi , only joined today , the reason i have done so is to try and claim back charges on my current account . How much do they charge for charges statement and what are they like to deal with ? Cheers custardcream .
  12. LIVELYLAD . Hello , do nat west offer the whole amount or a certain % ? Cheers .
  13. RIPPEDOFFAGAIN . Thanks for the reply . I had around 6 months in mind but if that is along it takes then so be it . Cheers .
  14. Good afternoon . I've just joined today and just saying hello . I'm just going to read the site and the forum and find out what i need to do . A quick question : I have joined to try and get bank charges back from nat west [been with them 10 yrs ]. All my charges would relate to either being overdrawn or charges for standing orders/ direct debits not going through . I've no idea what my bank charges add up to over this period but i'm guessing £600 + . Also if i follow the correct procedures on here , what sort of timescale am i looking at ? Thanks in advance , custardcream .
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