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Everything posted by rogerebaker

  1. Im at work at present. Ill do it when I get home. I copied it to Westcott and to Mike Brophy at Barclays E14 address. I sent it about a week ago and gave them 7 days to withdraw it. Since then Ive had a letter from westcott demanding payment but looking at the dates it has clearly crossed in the post. If Ive got nothing back from them in the post today I will complain under the banking code, the IC and send a letter to the judge who is hopefully issuing a default judgement right now !!
  2. Banking code section 13 para 6. If an account is in dispute they cant pass it to a credit reference agency or debt recovery. I had exactly the same. I rang the number on the letter and informed them. I followed it up with a letter. They claim there was nothing on the computer that refererred to the dispute.
  3. Filed for default today as there was no acknowledment from the woolwich. According to the MCOL website this will go before the judge at 10am tomorrow to be issued. After I can confirm it has been issued I will send a letter to the Woolwich telling them to pay or the bailiefs will be coming. Its quite ironic really as my son was thrown out of his branch of the Woolwich a couple of years ago by the police after they refused to speak to him and he staged a bit of a sit down process. For some reason woolwich had joined his account with another of a similar name and as a result he couldnt get any money out. They wouldnt even speak to him as surprisingly he couldnt give the correct answers to the other persons security questions. He eventually received a fairly reasnoble payout from them and an apology but hes still banned from his branch to this day. I wish I had known of this site then, I would have taken them to the cleaners. Well revenge is sweet lets hope we get the chance to send in the bailiefs
  4. Twinfly Read your thread sounds a bit of a nightmare. In some ways I hope they do acknowledge but you never know they might just pay up when they realise they have been defaulted. They would be hard pressed to claim that they didnt know as Ive sent them two seperate letters telling them Ive issued a summons in reponse to their offers of half. Hope your saga ends soon
  5. I had a few issues with NTL. They continued to take money out of my account for 3 months after I cancelled the service. I was having hell of a job getting it back. They kept promising to send me a cheque but it never arrived When I sent them a LBA giving them 14 days or I would take them to court a man by the name of Roy Holbrook of their customer concerns dept. dealt with it. He was very nice and a few days later he sent me a cheque. Try dealing with him.
  6. Woolwich had until today to acknowledge the MCOL summons and Ive heard nothing. The MCOL website still has the judgement button available so I assume I can apply for a judgement. couple of question for anyone whos got this far. Do I have top wait until midnight ? What happens next ?
  7. I filed with MCOL against Barclays today. I see your point. They havnt paid out much yet and they are certainly pushing every claim right to the last possible point clearly to put people off. There are dozens of claims pending at court and I anticipate that before long they will have to either go to court or pay out and we all know what they will do.
  8. Re the OFT complaint. I had a phone call from Consumer direct who are funded by the OFT and deal with complaints etc etc After explaining my point about the misleading statement in the C1 letter he went a bit silent and tried to tell me that the sum of 12 is allowed and is fair. he clearly didnt have a clue what he was talking about. I asked him to pass the complaint to someone who had read the report and get back to me.
  9. Initial approach for payment letter sent 30th May, its only 200 GBP but its not theirs so I want it back Smiles response was a letter threatening to deafult on a overdraft balance of 50 quid. This was a number of service charges added to the account after it was closed in November. It even states on the customer contact log that My daughter rang in November cleared the balance and closed the account. I have sent them a letter reminding them of S13 / 6 of the banking code regards disputed accounts and also that if any inaccurate deatils are passed to a credit reference agency I will inform the IC. Ive given them 7 days to do that.
  10. Good point about the payment appeal letter ready to be posted tomorrow. I would place a scanned copy on the thread if I could work out how to do it any ideas
  11. I managed to get myself a parking ticket for staying slightly longer than the permitted free 1 hour yesterday. Having read the comments in this thread it appears that it may be invalid. No date of issue other than on the payment slip. No Colour of vehicle The time my vehicle was first spotted is also not recorded on the ticket. I would have thought this was vital as I was allowed 1 hour free. Is it worth appealing ? Should I pay the 30 quid fine within the 14 days but state that it is without any addmission of guilt. I dont want the ticket to double.
  12. Same happened to me. C code 13 ss 6 of the banking code states they cannot pass an account in dispute to a collections agency. Once I informed them of that they took a few large backward steps
  13. Letter received from Barclays offering 450 I was just about to do the MCOL form. Just to show willing I have accepted the 450 as part payment but as a gesture of goodwill and in attempt to avoid court proceedings I have given them until the 6th to consider my response to their offer and pay me the whole amount. Im not holding out much hope but you never know and I want to be able to show the court that Ive been reasnoble.
  14. Letter from woolwich today saying they have passed the 100 quid OD to a collection agency as he hasnt paid it. Thats choice bearing in mind hes owed 1300 in charges. rang the author of the letter told her she may want to read S13 SS 6 of the banking code regarding disputed accounts. Wrote her a letter giving her 7 days to recal the debt and remove any reference from credit file or I would make formal complaint under DPA and banking code. Also told her I would write to the judge at County court informing he/she that Woolwich where trying to intimidate and influence pending court proceedings. That seemed to focus her mind a bit. She claims nothing was on the file about the dispute. Lets hope it remains like that until the 6th when I can apply for a judgement.
  15. Ive had a good read thru the mail. Letter from Northhampton county court. States they have until the 6th June to acknowledge. Letter sent to barclays refusing 500 GPB offer.
  16. I have just noticed that in the letter from C1 they stated " the OFT has said it believes default fees of 12GBP are likely to be fair" Well Ive read the OFT report in full and it dosnt say that at all. In fact I think this statement from C1 is very misleading at best, and misrepresents what the OFT actually said. I have made a complaint to the OFT about Cap 1 statement I dont expect it will get anywhere but what the hell.
  17. Ive got three others at the Money claim stage so Im holding off on this one for a while. It gets surprisingly busy once it gets going. Im rather hoping someone will have made Barclaycard disclose statements before May 2004 before I start on this claim, make life a little easier
  18. Usual 40 pound refund letter arrived this AM they also refunded all the protection inurance premiums. LBA will be sent Tuesday :)
  19. Back from my hols today and theres a big package from smile. Ill do some working out tomorrow. ill keep you updated
  20. Back from holiday today. Great time had and feeling refreshed. Letter from woolwich offering 500 quid gesture of good will , plus a letter from the court but havnt had time to read yet. At least were getting somewhere. Letter refusing offer will be sent Monday. Kep you updated when Ive had a good read thru the mountain of mail
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