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Everything posted by natmc

  1. Hi, I was hoping someone may be able to give me some advice or views and also help with any legal or important information we should quoted on our letter to Asda. We choose to use disposable cameras for our wedding meal/evening do hoping that the guests would snap away to get us some great shots for this part of the day and also saving us £100's for a professional all day!! We took the films to Asda to be developed, when we returned to pick them up we were told that they had been put through the devvelopment process incorrectly by an inexperienced staff member and that they had destroyed 8 out of 11 films. Obviously we were absolutely gutted and followed this up with a conversation with the manager whom accepted it was Asda's negligience and advised us to write a letter of complaint requesting compensation. We wrote to them detailing how upsetting this was and requesting compensation as these are wedding photos that can not be replaced. They have since reponded offering us £500, but the general view from friends and family is that we should not accept their first offer and should respond stating we are not happy with this offer, but I just dont where to begin. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Natalie
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