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Everything posted by emmajean10

  1. hi kaijays, thanks for that number will give them a call, as the bailiffs office wont except any offers from me and the council , well im banging my head against a wall there ! lol. hope all goes well for u too x
  2. hi there, i have had the bailiffs knock on my door demanding i pay them 350 asap. i told them i was on benefits and didnt have that sort of money, the bailiffs response was along the lines of tough ( but not so polite) i told him to go away as he was banging on my door and scaring my little girl to tears. he eventually went away but then called me and said if i didnt have the money by 6 pm that night ( which was an hour later) he would turn up in the middle of the night with a lock smith. i called his office to expaling that i couldnt pay that sort of money can we come to some arrangement but was told i had to pay the bailiff his 350 first then they would except 210 a month off me after that. i then told the office that i was on benefits and no way could i afford to pay that and i could prove it, i offered her a payment off 30 a month and she wouldnt except. i tried to offer the council this direct but theysaid that they cant take the case back off the bailiffs. Spose what im getting at is can they get a locksmith out and even tho i have bolts and chains on the inside of my door can they get in or would that be classed as breaking an entry? I tried to make a complaint about the way the bailiff was with me but was told by his office that it was my word against his so they wouldnt persue it, what can i do next time, to get evidence that he was nasty and abusive? And also i have been told that u can ask for the money to come out of ur benefits how do i do this??
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