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Posts posted by mauritius

  1. Case closed for me guys, Im staying well away, I just started using microsoft money manager so I think Ill take my chances with that. Thank you so much for the help, I woulda just waded straight in, started using this account and really got myself in the sh*t. Think It might be handy to keep this post active, incase we find any more developments with these guys!;)

  2. Hi guys,

    I havent been on here for a while, I was kinda having a good relationship with citi for a while, when oops I forgot about a cheque for £10 I wrote a week previous. Bang, £25 charge for my account ending up £2 overdrawn....what a bunch of retards! The reason Im writing here, is to see if anyone has come across a new kind of account called 'think banking'? for an administration fee of £12.50 per month, someone will personally ensure all your bills are payed and the remaining is released for you to use, therefore no charges (apart from the fee). Im sorry I havent explained it very well, but the website is thinkbanking.co.uk if anyone has had any dealings with them? or what is everyone elses thoughts on this?

    Im really getting annoyed with banks now, I think Ill end up with my salary paid directly to under my mattress!

  3. You go for it. The fact that they are reducing their payment NOW doesnt justify the £860+ they have already taken from you. I also recieved the usual up yours letter from another bank this week and its a little disheartening but it makes you more determined to follow it through for every last penny!

    I wish you success x

  4. i certainly dont bank with the ones that rip me off with these unlawful charges. ;) and i have closed down three accounts coz of it.


    why are you posting on here in clearly what you are doing is defending the banks



    Kimmy, whats your secret? do you use a bank that doesnt rip you off? ;-)

  5. Good point tabit but isnt it true that staff do have the power to refund charges? Ive heard lots of cases where challenging bank staff has produced refunds. You have a valid point about them just doing their jobs though, its easy to shout at people on the front line, even though its not them that decide these charges!


    Why on earth should we be charged a fee for having a bank account though? our money has to go somewhere!

  6. Hi Fontygary, as Mochamoo said their isn't a problem with claiming on a closed account, as banks/institutions legally have to keep records of accounts for 6 years, although the con with that is you cant claim for charges before 6 years!

    In most cases you should generally write to customer services dept, but to be honest if you have several addresses, for the sake of stamp costs, I would send to all available addresses! (thats purely my opinion!)

    In fact scrub that last note, If its statement of charges that your requesting from your old bank I would assume the customer services dept will help, dont let them fob you off with excuses, as again, they legally have to keep records for 6/7 yrs! Good Luck and keep us posted!

  7. Hi to everyone.

    I have been a member of this site for some time now but foolishly registered my own name as my username so have rejoined with this name! think I can do that cant I?:p

    So I have had a nice refund from Abbey with just the prelim (this was last year...Im now claiming again!) but nationwide are reluctant to play fair (after prelim I recieved standard letter saying they wont refund also hinting that it might be wise to close my account!) Will send LBA tomorrow, for now though Im off to make a donation to this fabulous site!

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