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  1. Our security staff work for the Trust, and not Parkforce. They are under Trust instruction when they issue tickets. As far as I'm aware, security staff get no money for issuing these tickets, but it wouldn't suprise me if 'cheery Bill', or friendly hospital ticketer was getting a back hander from Parkforce!
  2. Also, Steph at Parkforce could not confirm whether they actually even had a complaints procedure, and was not prepared to find out for me. She refused to pass my call to someone more senior, as I wished to make a complaint. She did not know who regulated them (I've since discovered no one regulates private parking companies). She also refused to put my call through to the office that would be able to trace my payment on the transaction ID. Great service there, that surely must breach SOME rules or regulations!
  3. I am a staff nurse working on an A&E department at a busy city hospital. I begrudge paying parking charges to park at my place of work. Our hospital trust uses Parkforce. No Parkforce agents patrol the car park, but our own hospital security staff issue the parking fine tickets. Generally, I get away without getting caught, but sadly, one security guy revels in issuing these fines. I feel the 'power' and 'authority' have gone to his head. I have been ticketed by him on several occasions. I have payed most of these fines. I ignored one of them, to see whether they actually chase them up, as I'd heard that they didn't. Several months passed, and I heard nothing, so assumed that was the last of it. Then I got two letters in June demanding payment of separate fines, one of which I had paid! I rang Parkforce, and they couldn't trace the payment. It had gone from my bank to them, and I had a Worldpay transaction ID for it. Even with this information, they couldn't trace the payment. They told me to write in to them with a copy of my bank statement, and they should be able to sort it out. By this point I was getting pi**ed off with them, as I'd paid, and was now being inconvenienced because of their inadequate, incompetent systems. I was told by Steph at Parkforce today, that they still couldn't trace the transaction, and if I failed to provide the relevant information, these letters would continue, and the charges would increase. All in all, I've paid Parkforce probably in excess of £400. I've just discovered on your site that the tickets themselves are not enforcable in law, and that the ongoing charges are also unlawful. Does anyone know how I can go about recovering this money? I've shredded some of the tickets that were received a long time ago, but still have my bank statements as proof of payment. Also, as the trust security staff are dishing out these tickets, are they also liable to be involved in any legal proceedings, as an 'agent' of Parkforce if they're issuing tickets that are not enforceable in law?
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