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  1. Thanks fiestychick, The Godmother and Hopeful1 - much appreciated. Sorry I kept you up fiestychick!
  2. Thanks fairbank - much appreciated. Yes, I think changing my number would be no bad thing. I might ask my existing mobile company.
  3. I can't believe I last posted here at the end of February. A quick update: Unfortunately my step dad died at the end of April, quite suddenly, though not before some dreadful treatment in hospital. I've been working really long hours in the job I started at the beginning of Feb and travelling to different parts of the country so have had little time to deal with anything on the debts front - other than paying each month, on time, what I can reasonably afford to creditors (over £1000 per month). It's been a highly stressful, emotional time recently - my step dad had been my step dad for 33 years (I was a little kid when he met my mother). I couldn't believe that DCAs were calling me constantly, even on the day of his funeral. When I said I couldn't deal with it on that day one of them responded "that's no concern of ours." After that I just thought 'eff 'em' and haven't answered a single call since, Neither have I informed any of them of my change of address (my step dad's house was a council house - he'd probably paid over £200k in rent over the 33 years he'd lived their - my mother died 5 years ago and I think he never really recovered). Work is going well - I'm a bit worried that I'll be taken to court by one or more of these DCAs but I really don't care. They don't have my address and I'm sure the court would find in their favour in my absence. Bizarrely, if it came down to it, I don't think BR would bother me in the slightest. At my current rate of payments it will take probably 6 or 7 years to pay the debts off. Most, though not all are still applying late payment and administration charges and interest so my payments each month are not even covering these late payment charges and interest so the overall debt is going up. I want to get on my feet a bit more (get settled in the job - I only have 5 months left on my contract but there may be other opportunities), I will then start to challenge all this in the courts if necessary. I'm pleased to see that some fellow posters are in much better circumstances than when I last posted - fairbank in particular seems to be flying - well done fella - it's a delight to see you a million miles from those poists back in January. I'll try and keep my thread a bit more updated now. Thanks all for all your support over the last six months. Harvest
  4. Thanks Robcag, Chrissi and The BigLad They've been phoning my ste dad's landline (only Mercers) - he's on NTL or VIrgin I think and the rest of the calls have been to my mobile. The earliest calls have been 6.30am (on a Saturday!) and midnight on other occasions. I'm just ignoring them all now and waiting for written corresspondence which goes via my step dad's and he redirects. If bailiffs ever turn up at his house there is nothing of mine there save for a pictures in frames (worthless) and a pair of my smelly old trainers - they're welcome to those! :grin:
  5. Thanks Chrissi Yes re: Mercers. I sent them a letter today with all of the provisons of the legislation laid out and copied the letter (cc'd at the bottom of the letter), to OFT, IC, FSA, Trading Standards Liverpool (where the letter from Mercer's came from) and the Chairman of the Parliamentary (H of C) Select Committee on Regulatory Reform. I don't know if it will do any good but they might stop hassling my step dad at least. I had a letter from them in response to my offer of payments saying 'we are willing to discuss reduced payments, please call us to discuss this further.' I didn't fall for that old chestnut. I have had, in total, 937 calls from creditors from December to now. That seems excessive to me. The latest is Goldfish who have put a new guy on to leave voicemails in a very aggressive voice saying 'Mr Harvest, we know you're picking up voicemails, it is in your best interests (almost shouted) to call us without delay or suffer the consequences.' And they call themslves a professional company. I've given up getting angry, I just laugh at it now.
  6. fairbank Just logged in after about a week. It is great to see how your life has turned around to the point where you are now considering F&Fs for some creditors - great to see mate.
  7. Evening all Just a quick update: 1. I'm exhausted - working long hours etc so apologies for not keeping my thread up to date. 2. I'm going to ask the administrators why my thread's been moved to this part of the debt forum - it should be in general really and it's difficult to find here. 3. Some of my creditors are being complete bankers and will not accept my reasonable offers of payment - I've nevertheless sent the payment anyway (which they're still cashing). 4. First Direct have started to be reasonable and will send me a new agreement, reducing interest etc and getting rid of £800 worth of the debt. This will be reviewed in 12 months. 5. I have sent Mercers a letter together with my monthly payment which I've copied to OFT, FSA, Trading Standards and the Information Commissioner about their harrassment of my step dad by phone. That's about it - hope you're all well and making progress. Harvest x:)
  8. Fairbank - just catching up with your thread and can't believe the change in circumstances in two weeks - I'm thrilled for you fella. Sorry to hear about your car accident as well - but a payout on that might set you up quite nicely as you start your new job. And good news on the consultancy - well done mate. In a year's time you won't recognise yourself when you look back to the beginning of your thread and some of the posts where you were - understandably - in the depths of despair. Well done fairbank ! P.S. for some reason my thread's been moved to debt advice issues rather than the general forum??
  9. Well - this is the first chance I've had to post since starting my new job on 4th Feb. Here's my update: Finally paid off car loan One of my creditors must have sold my debt to a DCA - Mercers - anyone heard of them? They have somehow found my stepdad's home number and ring him constantly. Although he lives in a council house they have threatened him with repossession! Apparently they said "your stepson must have sold the house to you so we can't get at it. We're going to ring you every day until you tell us his new address so we can seize his possessions." I have written to all my creditors - none of them are accepting my offers of payment - all done pro-rata in line with scale of each debt. So I don't know what to do about this - just make the payments when I get paid at the end of each month? I have avoided all phonecalls because they ring my mobile an average of 7 times each (x 9 creditors) everyday. I hope everyone else is okay and his making progress.
  10. Thanks Sarah, Goldlady and Godmother. A quick update on my dealings with creditors. I've just produced letters to all of them offering pro-rata payments that I can manage from my new salary starting 1st March. I have had three properly executed agreements in response to CCA letter requests. I have now had five default notices. I told each creditor that I had been advised to file for bankruptcy (was the original advice from debt counsellors) and that should all of my creditors not be willing to act reasonably and accept my pro-rata payments, freeze interest and deduct unfair charges on the accounts then that would be the route I'd take. I informed them that I had no assets to speak of and that I was trying to fulfil my obligations to the debts but that they must be reasonable too. I've calculated that if they all accept and I meet the payments each month I could be debt free in 6 years approximately. Obviously if I get a better job at some point or a pay rise I will increase the payments. I just hope they are reasonable in their replies. I am just about to set off for my new job in a new city - staying with friends this week until I move into new rented accommodation next Saturday. It's exciting, frightening and a relief all wrapped up in one. I won't have access to my PC this week so won't be posting but will update next Saturday when I have news on the job and the creditors' replies. Thank you all for your continued support.
  11. I too had problems with 3 mobile. I sent them a letter recorded delivery saying 'due to their breech of contract' I was exercising my right to cancel the contract and take my business elsewhere. I cc'd the letter to the OFT and Ofcom. Within 24 hours they had phoned me, apologised, issued me with a new contract at half the original price and sent me a brand spanking new handset. Might be worth a try for your sister? Make sure you send the letter recorded though.
  12. * 'rude' not 'rood' - my spelling is getting worse
  13. Well done on getting shortlisted and on the interview fairbank. Let's hope it's positive news on Monday. I just went back a few pages through your thread to see if there was any result on the tax rebate? In the meantime, good luck with the result of the interview - there are plenty of people on here rooting for you (don't know why that sounds rood, must be my fiflthy mind). Anyway good luck mate.
  14. Quick Update: 1. Found somewhere to live where the new job is based 2. Had my contract through and all seems in order. 3. Starting work on Monday morning 4. Have finished off my other work and invoiced so a few grand will be paid at the beginning / middle of March. 5. Have written to all the creditors offering managable / realistic monthly payments and await their response. That's it - As I said to fairbank in his thread, things can change overnight and while I am still incredibly worried about my situation in terms of debt I have at least been given a lift onto the first rung of the ladder in order to start paying the debt off and will have money for food etc while I'm doing this.
  15. Well done fairbank - I really hope the tax repyament comes through for you tomorrow/today and that you get the money asap. Just goes to show that the system is totally ****** up and that when challenged to look at the facts the bureaucrats come to their senses. Good for you mate in challenging them - must have taken a lot of courage to march in there like that.
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