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Everything posted by max.the.mac

  1. precisely which rule forbids the use of commonly used, inoffensive , if perhaps mildly colourful, vernacular being used in the description of historical events. ??????? It need not even be remotely referenced to acts of a sexual nature... One can historically AND linguistically make a case for it being a cultural reference to the use of Thumb screws and the rack as a means of "customer abuse". Application of increasing pressure or extension by means of a helical or spirally configured device. of course if YOUR questionably orientated mind put another inference on it, perhaps you should moderate your own thoughts. Welcome . yeah right. unprofessional bullying more like. Say, you wouldn't happen to work for Nat West?
  2. Just a brief hi, and thanks to the creators and admin for being so damn public spirited..... contributions to the cause duly entered on to do list..... having been royally edited over the last 2.5 years by Both NatWest and Abbey, to the tune of about £7K, never mind the damage to credit ratings and other fall out, despite my protestations and mention of the OFT rulings when i became vaguely aware of them.... finally a resource that makes it a bit easier fighting back.... I had been advised some time ago by a friend working high up in the financial industry that this situation with the Banking industry abusing it's powers and customers was the case, but following through was desperately difficult, lack of information mostly, sadly the CAB weren't up to speed on this stuff.... Top notch this place , deserving of an early nomination for sainthood i reckon ! many many thanks MTM
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