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  1. well if it happens in 6 months i will be due then, so I can turn up too! that would be a good story, going into labour whilst taking hsbc to court! as long as we dont end up having to pay costs I can cope with this. thanks for your help. my partner and i had visions of him standing in a dock giving evidence!!!
  2. Thanks He has gone for a bath to think it all over. I wish we had the original of his cm sheet, but we had to post it quickly. his dad faxed it too. stupid bank. theyve been paying out everyone else beofre this test case stuff came up. they should have said no new claims will be processed until after this, but existing ones should be allowed to go ahead. oh i'm only saying that cos its us. The annoying thing is that before we bought our house, he had to get a loan to cover the exact amount we are claiming back (which is how much his overdraft was - only because of the charges!) The money would have come in very handy for the baby. I take it they arent settling at the last minute anymore with this stay stuff!
  3. Thanks Jenny Thats so scary cos I really did believe it was cancelled and he wouldnt have shown up if I didnt get a hunch something was wrong! I saw they had written £5000 costs on their case management letter and I nearly wet myself cos we're having a baby!!!! I dont know what he is going to tomorrow now then - it says on the letter from the courts it is a hearing. but i know they want a stay. I dont know what the original terms and conditions of his bank account stated for costs for going over drawn but they were really high for each occasion. I think he wishes we hadnt started this now - if he loses will they make us pay £5000?
  4. Hi Thanks for the help JBarton. I have prepared my parnter as best I can. He is wondering - will he have to take a stand and speak? Also I am very confused about this stay business - does that mean he has to turn up to be told to go away again? All very confusing. I still can't believe I believed it was cancelled. Also I'm not a stupid person (hold a professional management role) and yet I really didnt understand the case management form. Hey ho. My partner will be there tomorrow.
  5. Hello I know this is very bad forum etiquette to ask for help in a first post. I have tried really hard to make sense of the information about the Mercentile Procedure but I am pregnant and not taking in complicated information in my usual way - sorry. My partner has got a hearing at leeds on the 4th also. Only problem is I believed HSBC's last letter saying it was all on hold for now. Just got another one today with loads of paper work from DG Solicitors and from checking on here, it seems the hearing IS going ahead. I am so cross with myself for believing them, I dealt with all my partners claim until I got pregnant and took my mind off the boil with this case. So we havent filled anything in and sent it to the court. Please someone help me and tell me if I need to get anything to them before the 4th. I have tried to call the court but it is shut. I really hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance. PS edited to say I've been trying to reserach it myself and I now remember seeing that it had to be a form to the court at least 7 days beofre the hearing. We havent dfone that because I believed the letter that said it was postponed. I am now in pieces worrying that I have messed it all up and that HSBC will make us pay costs. Please help someone. I know I'm stupid.
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