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  1. Hi, my father was involved in what appeared to be a minor car accident at a roundabout. Neither party is admitting fault although my dad is adamant that the other driver is at fault. My concern is around the scale of the insured and non-insured claims the other party is making. They have placed a Personal Injury claim against my father which seems ridiculous as neither car was travelling at speed. My fathers car has a few paint scrathches and the other vehicle from photographs looks to have no more damage than a small dent that can be pushed out. I am very concerned that this is suspicious as; 1. The driver told my father he was driving a hire car because he had just been involved in an accident that week and that his car was being repaired. 2. Immediately after the accident my father only saw the actual driver ten minutes into them exchanging details a woman appeared from nowhere claiming that she had been in the car. When my father asked where she had been immediately after the accident she said she was being sick (?). When my father tried to obtain information from her because he had not seen her in the car she started being very evasive. 3. We informed the insurer immediately. The personal injury claim from the other party appears to have been made within hours of the incident as our insurers were informed of the claim within 24 hours of the incident. My father is already receiving threatening letters and phone calls from the other parties insurers/solicitors. This is all within 72 hours of the incident. I'm concerned that this driver is not honest and is either blaming my father for injuries sustained in a previous accident, has submitted multiple claims for the same injuries or is making the whole thing up. Does anyone have any advice on how we should proceed? I want to make sure that my father does not become a victim of a fraudulent insurance claim. Cheers
  2. Halifax had until the 25th July to respond to my claim, they didn't so I've handed in my request to ask the court to enter judgement by default (27th July). I'm waiting to see how Lunatic flea gets on today but as the Halifax failed to respond to my claim within the 14 days, I'm assuming that the judgment by default is independent of the OFT test case. Is anyone able to clarify?
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