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Everything posted by andrewcrawford

  1. According to my own council rules they will settle it withi 28day guess they have the option to extend it then
  2. The council have now issued a final notice for the otustandign council tax, and have threatened sherif action, the outstanding blance is due to there overpayment by there fault, 1st do i need to pay it or can i stand my ground due to its tehre fault? 2nd if i paid it can i claim it back after the appeal goes through 3rd they have had the apeal for more than there 28 days now so are they breaching any laws by not replying in some form?
  3. 1. Yes i have claimed it before at the present address and antoher address but i was exempt so never got a breakdown off what everything meant, i only got this after my finacee started working so had nothing to compare against 2. yes a doctor can confirm each of the above as i have got medical reports detailign it the appeal was submit about 20-30 days ago with no reply as yet
  4. 1. can you ellorbate what you mean? 2. yes i have dsylecia and speech and language problems, and have mental health problems
  5. Hi there, Me and my parnter received a letter from our council regarding overpayment of council tax and housing benefit on the letter it says that it was due to a fault on their part for not adding something on. that it is my fault for not noticing their mistake when i am no expert. They are trying to claim it back. the council is part of the goverment just like the DWP to which my mum works and she has told me if they make a mistakes they can not force you to pay it back to which my council are doing. Any advice will be grately appericated
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