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Posts posted by dan1508

  1. hi all need a small amount of help. i would like to claim my charges on my cc is the same as claiming form natwest bank as i have claimed and won last year. do i send to the same address also my account i has been closed for a 3 years now can i still claim

  2. hi there i sent off two letters asking for my charges back one for each account. now i have recived an offer of £880 but my claim was for total 3500. but the £880 offer says it for the account that i claimed for £950 can i take this and still try for the other acount or will they say when i take the £880 that it is for both accounts

  3. dont worry i have found the answer but i do have one more question which i cant not find the answer for on this site which is on my statements it says charges then just date and a/c number can i claim for that

  4. i am very new to this so sorry. i have recived my statements but what do i do know in terms of what charges can i add or cant add to be claimed and do they have to be over a certain ammount

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