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Everything posted by SillyLittleWorker

  1. And I am a very professional customer service advisor that is why I would never say anything like this to a customer whilst I was working, that's what I get paid to do, help the customer and arrange appointments that are most convenient for them, half the time though no one gives you a chance, their attitude straight away is if I shout loud enough I will get enough attention and I find it insulting and rude.
  2. I wasn't meaning to be rude, and I do understand that call centre's can be frustrating especially when you get through to a large one where there's millions of people on a floor and no one communicates. Trust me we get just as annoyed with engineers as the customer. I just find it insulting when people swear down the phone at you about a meter. We wouldn't do the work if it wasn't a legal requirement from OFGEM the regulators for gas and electricity. I am simply sick of people who only ever think of themselves and its a very selfish attitude, like I said everyone is trying to do a job. And I do understand that call centres can be trying, but some people seem to like to complain just for the sake of it. If you had a legitimate grievance for example a billing problem etc then that is understandable but I'm not quite sure how you can get so upset about a meter change? And I'm sure you would be the first to call meterplus if somthing went wrong with your meter and your electric was off permanently. The person that you bad mouth today may be the person you are asking for help tomorrow so may you should think about the attitude you have about things.
  3. I really find you all a bit sad and pathetic I work for meterplus we are only a small team of about 30people. We are and emergency call centre mainly for people who have not electric, and all we are asking to do is change your meter. We suggest a date if thats not convenient ring, if you don't get through we have an answermachine service, which my colleague Mick who sits opposite me rings people back about everyday. I don't see how people can get so upset about changing a meter. And yes we do work saturday mornings and late appointments uptil 6pm as we know people work all the time. We don't expect you to wait in all day, that why we give you options. But as you can realise practically it is impossible for us to give a specific time of arrival as an engineer has approx 50jobs a day some of which customers are not in some of which take longer than expected, sometimes he's just stuck in traffic as most have a large area to cover.
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