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Everything posted by mrcow

  1. This topic was closed on 03/07/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. That's good to hear. I was beginning to feel a little left out that we'd not had a 50% (or near) offer. We will see...........
  3. Absolutely. That's what I'm planning to do. I think that they've been a little inundated (if this site is anything to go by!) and so are playing for time. It's not washing with me though, as I can pretty much guess what they are going to say and it's going to end up with me filing a claim anyway! Good luck to you too!
  4. Well I had a standard reply from my first request for payment stating that they would come back within 30 days (when I'd already told them that they had 14 ). So the letter before action was sent on 2nd May....standard reply blah blah. Had a letter this morning in reply to my first letter stating that they need a further 30 days to "investigate" . So my court claim will be going in later this week. Will keep things updated to how it all goes. Good luck everyone.
  5. I kind of know how you feel, as I am claiming on behalf of my brother who has banked with Barclays for years. A typical example of his is that he had a phone bill direct debit refused and was charged £100 in total (as they resubmitted it a few days later and it was refused again). The more I look at the charges that they have imposed, the angrier I've become, especially as he only earns £5.75 p/h. I feel like a woman on a mission (I have another thread running on this board). I sent my DPA request to customer services in Leicester with a £10 cheque and had all the paperwork back from them within 6 working days (and they returned my cheque too!). So maybe give them a go? (I sent it recorded delivery too) Good luck. I hope you get all of their money back.
  6. Just to keep my thread up to date, I've had the full list of statements through now. It took six working days and they sent my £10 cheque back too, so result! The Leicester address seems to have worked absolutely fine. The good (!) news is that the charges only total £860 (so a lot less that we initially thought as he wasn't charged when he had a graduate a/c). I am sending my first request for payment letter off today. Will let you know any replies that we get. Take care all.
  7. Thanks everyone for your replies. I'll wait and see what the Leicester Centre comes back with in the time limit given and will let you all know. Take care.
  8. Hi I have just sent off our DPA letter on behalf of my brother. We estimate that he's been charged a couple of thousand pounds over the last few years (but will find out exactly soon hopefully). Anyway, I'll keep this thread updated with how things progress. One question however, have I messed up already? I sent the DPA information request letter by recorded delivery to: Barclays Bank Plc, Retail Banking Customer Relations Leicester LE87 2BB instead of his local branch, as some people have said that they've had replies from this address. Have I messed up already? And if so, should I duplicate my request and hand it into his local branch? Any thoughts? Take care, and good luck everyone with your claims.
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