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  1. I just had a call from Lloyds to offer me a 'Goodwill Gesture' and repay part of the PPi, as apparently I had already recieved the remaining balance back when I paid my loan off early. I understand that I can also claim for interest. Not being great with Maths, could someone assist me in how to calculate the interest that I would be entitled to ask back for? Is it the statutory 8%? I really am not sure how to work it out. SOS, anyone !
  2. Hi winnie, I am also at this stage. Lloyds have paid me a 'gesture of goodwill' by putting in my account 1,450. which I refused, my claim is for 2,350. or thereaboute. They refuse to remove these moneies which I have declined. My AQ is required by 28th Jan. I am also sending a complaint to the OFT about this and hope that they give me the outstanding monies. Good Luck, London Citizen
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