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Everything posted by playbhoy1967

  1. I can't believe they are allowed to withdraw my overdraft though. Fair enough I can accept that they would clear the amount of £200 est. that I am over my overdraft but to withdraw my overdraft facility is pretty rubbish. Hardly feels like a victory now.
  2. You know I am going to put the foot down with this one and say that the money getting put into my bank account is unacceptable and that I would just take it to the next stage if I had to I think. Surely it's up to ourselves how we receive the money and the fact that my account is in arrears is nothing to do with it as that is a seperate issue altogether.
  3. Aye but they have withdrawn my £1k overdraft. I wouldn't mind if that was still in place but they have taken it away when I started this process which is out of order imo.
  4. It's just that I was sure I had read on here that someone had got their money back in a cheque. I sort of need it in a cheque tbh. Aarrgh so frustrating.
  5. Still haven't got the letter through yet so rang them up today and asked the girl to read what was on the letter etc. The charges claimed were £1348 and the offer was £627 so I was transferred to Steve Hodgson who then said that he could up my offer to £1200 which I accepted. He is now going to send a new offer letter out to me for £1200. All very good however, I asked him how it would be paid and he said it would be paid into my account. I don't use that account anymore though and it has been sent to the collection agency as the account is overdrawn by £1200 so basically the money would go straight in to clear the overdraft. On further digging I asked if my overdraft was still active and I was told that it wasn't so basically I wouldn't see a penny of the £1200 which is no use to me as I am relying on it to pay some bills and help me move house. I would prefer a cheque so then I could start the process of settling my account with the Halifax gradually rather than all at the same time. Is this possible?
  6. I was just thinking. My bro said his initial offer was only £300 of the £1200 he requested. What is the next stage if I am unhappy with the initial offer? The amount is £1380 and I would probably accept around £1200 just to get it done and dusted. Would I phone them when I receive the offer and say it isn't good enough and try and get the figure up? Thanks again.
  7. WOOOHOOO!!!! I have just got off the phone to the customer relations and they said that an offer has been sent out to me this morning. I don't expect it will be the full amount I will get offered but will wait and see. I am so excited that I have finally got to this stage!!! The refund is close I feel. CMON.
  8. Quick update. Sent my LBA last wednesday so one week is almost up but no reply yet as expected. Should I maybe give them a call just to make sure they got it? I sent two copies, one to Trinity road and the other to the customer relations dept. so they would have no excuse if they say they don't have it.
  9. Genius! Just checked and the dates are on there!
  10. Ok thanks folks. Will hit them with the LBA.
  11. Ok so how would I go about taking it to the ombudsman guys/girls? Or should I just send my LBA? Thx in advance.
  12. Thanks tilly. On all the templates though it requires me to fill in the dates of my previous letters. I have lost them though and don't know when they were sent. Is that important? Do I need to start from the beginning again?
  13. Hi guys I have got a new problem. Who says this is easy huh? lol. My Dad said the letter arrived this morning basically saying that I am not entitled to any bank charges back whatsoever and if I have a problem then I have to contact the financial ombudsman. Not good. I have read the site and from what I can gather my next step would be to send the LBA. Is that right? Thanks.
  14. ttt would really like to get this letter off but don't know the dates.
  15. My brother set up a speaker and lighting higher company as a partnership with a business partner and after two years the business has disolved and the other partner is taking all of the equipment which he only partially owns as some of it was paid for jointly and other things were paid for personally by my brother. In the beginning his partner paid most of the initial outlay but the business grew through the partnership and the costs were evened up, and now he feels as though he is entitled to all the equipment because it was his outlay at the beginning. Now he has taken most of the equipment and hid it at his parents house saying that my brother isn't getting any money for it and he has no right to any of it. My Brother used the equipment to do some free gigs for the local Church and there was no problem at the time because he was housing the equipment while his business partner was elsewhere. No objections were raised. Now his partner is trying to say that he is owed rental for the free gigs that he was doing which is ridiculous as no paper was ever signed. That is why he feels justified in keeping all the equipment. He has proof from the bank of a cheque sent to his partner of £600 as contribution towards the initial outlay of his partner although his partner is saying he has never received it which is nonsense as there is proof the cheque was cashed. What is the best way of getting the matter resolved please? Thanks. Edit: Should have said it is urgent because the guy is moving all the stuff to his Mum and Dads out of the house they share together and plans on moving to England this week.
  16. Okay, I am at the stage where i need to send my LBA letter. I was going to use the template provided but it requires me to fill in dates of the previous letters. Unfortunately I have deleted the wrong letter and have only got exactly the same letter but with a different date dating back to January which I never got round to sending. Do I have to be extremely accurate with the dates? Thanks.
  17. Interesting thread. What is exemplary damages? I also am in the process of claiming my charges from the Halifax and I am scared that they will just clear my overdraft and close my account with them. I am planning on stating that I want a cheque so I can put it into my 'parachute account' or I wont be accepting.
  18. Current account for this one to see how it goes.
  19. Oops. I just sent the letter for the refund of the charges and didnt add the contractual interest. I am well confused
  20. Regarding the interest on your charges. When sending the request for a refund the 1st time we are advised not to include the 8% statutory interest. So surely it is in our best interests that the bank is not very helpful and doesnt offer us a settlement straight away, thus going onto the LBA stage where we can add the interest? But what if the bank phones you two days after the 1st request letter offering you a full refund of the charges? That means you are losing out on potentially hundreds of pounds.
  21. Ah. Well thanks very much. Thats put my mind at ease. They arent daft these banks are they?
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