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General Data Protection Regulations

The new Data Protection regime is now in force.

Things should get much tougher for companies which hold your personal data.

Of direct relevance to you is that a Subject Access Request which previously cost £10 is now free of charge.
Also, Data Controllers had 40 days to comply with an SAR. Now they must comply within 30 days.

Per Wikipedia:-
Right of access
The right of access (Article 15) is a data subject right.[22] It gives citizens the right to access their personal data and information about how this personal data is being processed. A data controller must provide, upon request, an overview of the categories of data that are being processed (Article 15(1)(b)) as well as a copy of the actual data (Article 15(3)). Furthermore, the data controller has to inform the data subject on details about the processing, such as the purposes of the processing (Article 15(1)(a)), with whom the data is shared (Article 15(1)(c)), and how it acquired the data (Article 15(1)(g)).
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