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  1. Hi, We have a credit card debt with Santander, and whilst in hardship for around the last 6 months or so have been duly paying them a token £10 per month. Despite having originally sent them an income & expenditure/budget list, a list of creditors etc as produced for us by the CCCS, they recently started hounding us through their Viking Collections for the whole debt, and wanting our normal contractual monthly payments. We wrote to complain about this treatment whilst in hardship. They have written back saying 'I can confirm you did not supply proof of your income and expenditure form. I understand you agreed with the CCCS to complete and submit your own monthly budget form to us. Unfortunately you did not do this and your account was passed back to Viking Collections.' Now this is complete tosh - the income/expenditure forms + list of creditors we sent was all done on CCCS headed paper, as was sent to us by CCCS to give to all our creditors. At no time had we agreedwith CCCS, as they are trying to say, to complete & submit our own monthly budget form. Anyone in, or been in, a similar position with Santander? Any advice at this stage appreciated.
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