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Found 2 results

  1. hi there, my head is about to explode trying to work this out what happens if: you have been deemed to have limited capability for work LCW and you are getting ESA contributions based and your year then runs out As the beginning of that year you have had phone interview and you have been told you dont need to go on work related activity because of your difficulties and also because you are waiting an appeal to argue being placed from wrag to support group. And then you dont win your appeal and your entitlement has run out , and you dont meet the criteria for income related ESA? there you are a year down the line , you are without any ESA, have had no work related actvity to help you back to work (not that you could have done it anyway because of your illnessess/disabiliites- which is why you were appealing not being put in the support group ) is that how it goes .. what happens next , do they expect you to apply for JSA, even though your heath conditions mean you are not capable of searching for a job , let alone getting and holding done down ?
  2. Hi, I am new to this forum and could really do with some help! My partner receives Employer PHI which is paid via her payroll - she is therefore still 'employed', although there is no likelihood of her returning to work. She received Incapacity Benefit for many years and was switched to Contribution based ESA in June last year. She is in the WRAG and would not qualify for the support group as far as I can see. Her 365 days will be up in June and she will therefore lose the Contribution based ESA at this point. Because of the ongoing PHI, she will not be entitled to Income Based ESA. Needless to say, this is income we simply cannot afford to lose. She continues to pay NI, since her PHI is paid via her employer and therefore tax and NI are deducted at source - indeed, she has an unbroken PHI record since age 16. Since Contribution based ESA is supposedly dependant on NI contributions does anyone know if she can reapply for Contribution Based ESA once the statutory 12 weeks have passed from the date her current claim ends? I have seen a lot of conflicting information on this online and wondered if anyone had any first hand experience. I have tried the local job centre and the CAB but neither were much help and didn't understand the unusual nature of the claim, i.e. still being 'employed' but also receiving ESA. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you Rob
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