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Posts posted by dilbert1

  1. They claim they've confirmed with a 'major public utility' that you're in occupancy at that address...I'd be tempted to try to get more information about that out of them - if it's true, data protection might kick in. If it's false, telling lies in the letter wouldn't look too good in court (though it seems unlikely that things would ever get that far - Moorcroft are, as you're aware, a bunch of numpties).

  2. Contact details are on their site:


    Woode Media Ltd

    54 Bond House

    20-32 Goodwood road

    New Cross Gate


    SE14 6BL

    United Kingdom


    E-Mail Address: [email protected]

    Website: Joolop.com - Buy The Latest Video Games, DVDs, Blu-ray Dvds, Music CDS, Electronics and Computers Online


    Company Number: 06427568


    (terms and conditions link, then contact us link)


    Phone number from whois: 01325 359876


    Might be worth giving them a quick call?

  3. This is in relation to my earlier posting - http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bailiffs-sheriff-officers/147688-urgent-help-please-panicing.html


    To summarise the above, Incasso obtained a CCJ against me for £807 on behalf of Anglian Water, who passed it to Sherforce for enforcement. Incasso also added about £100 for their costs. They obtained a writ of fifa from the high court for the debt.


    First I heard about all of this was when I checked my credit file and saw the CCJ on there.


    Sherforce want a fortune for their 'costs' (they're claiming 3 visits were made, @£150/visit), making the total amount they are demanding £1700.


    The National Debtline have told me that all that can be demanded is the amount of the original CCJ - £807, and that I can make payment direct to Incasso. I've spoken to Incasso again today, telling them this, and they are still saying that I need to deal with Sherforce, and pay their costs.


    The National Debtline have told be today that I need to write some letters - one to Incasso offering payment of the CCJ amount, and one to Sherforce asking them for a breakdown of their costs. They also said that I should send a copy of the one to Incasso to the court, to show that I'm making efforts to pay, and this should allow me to pay the court direct if Incasso refuse. Wouldn't mind some clarification on this bit though, 'coz I thought the court couldn't accept the payment?


    So, onto the point of this post...has anyone got any sample letters I can use? I want to clear this CCJ and get it marked as satisfied, 'coz we need to move house, and I'm told the Homelet application should be OK if this CCJ is satisfied. I'm just really struggling to come up with something suitable. On the one hand, I'm quite happy to pay the CCJ amount, but I'm really not happy about the costs which Incasso have added on, and I'm fuming about the costs Sherforce are trying to add on.


    Also, about the copy of the letter to the court - I assume I should enclose some form of covering letter with this - anyone got any ideas on what I should put in that?


    Really need to get this sorted out as quickly as possible; as I mentioned earlier, we need to move out of this house, and we've found the place we want to move to, but this unsatisfied CCJ is going to cause us a problem. Suppose I could enclose a copy of the letter I'm sending to Incasso and the court with the application, but doubt that'd do much good.


    Any and all help gratefully received.


  4. Meant to add; it seems to be the opinion of National Debtline that none of the fees quoted in The High Court Enforcement Officers Regulations 2004 can actually be charged to me, since those charges require execution of the writ to occur.

    I'm not sure what that execution bit really means though...does them saying they've visited me (even though I'm sure they havn't!) count as execution, or do they need something from me to confirm they've executed, or am I missing the point entirely??

  5. This could turn out to be a longish plea for advice, but I'll do my best to keep it short.


    My wife and I need to rent a new property soon, so I thought I'd check my credit file before Homelet do, and make sure everything looks OK'ish.


    I found two CCJs on there, one satisfied, which I knew about, and another one for £807, dated 16/02/2007, which I knew nothing about.


    I have enough money in my account to pay the original judgement, and am quite happy to do so but...


    I eventually found out the claimant was Incasso (?sp), on behalf of Anglian Water. I've phoned Incasso, who said the amount was actually £909 now, due to their charges, but they'd passed it onto Sherforce, for high court action, and told me to phone them.


    I then phoned Sherforce, who were quite unpleasant on the phone, and told me that the debt was now £1739, because of their costs. They said they've visited me 3 times, @£150 / visit, not sure where the rest of their costs come from. I told them I was happy to pay the original judgement amount, but they said I needed to pay them all of the money today, or they'd send someone around again to remove goods, and charge me more. They wouldn't move from this position.


    (I warned you this might get long...apologies).


    I then phoned the National Debtline, who were really helpful. They told me to phone the issuing court for the CCJ (Northampton Bulk), and find out if the matter was in the county or high court, and what enforcement action had been taken (if any).


    The court has told me that a 'writ of fifa' had been granted on 3rd December, '07, for the CCJ amount - they were very surprised that the company had taken this approach for such a small amount.


    National Debtline then told me that if an enforcement officer arrives, don't let them in, leave all doors and windows shut, etc.

    They also told me that the charges Sherforce were applying were illegal, and pointed me at 'The High Court Enforcement Officers Regulations 2004' which show the fees that can be charged. They also said that I should ring Incasso, and pay them the original CCJ amount and no more, and that I didn't need to involve Sherforce. Incasso would have to accept my payment, and could not ask for any more.


    Tried phoning Incasso back, but havn't gotten through to them yet, so thought I'd seek some advice here before I try again.


    I guess my questions are:

    - Is the National Debtline right on this? Incasso basically told me earlier that I now need to deal with Sherforce rather than them, and I fully expect them to say that again when I call them again. Would be great to be able to tell them they're wrong, and all they can (and must) accept is the original £807 CCJ figure.


    - Is there any way that Sherforce can demand this crazy £1700 figure? There's no way I can afford that sort of figure, and I'm really worried about that.


    All I really want to do is get this debt cleared, so my credit record shows the CCJ as satisfied, so I can proceed with the house rental. We've found the property we want, but the landlord wants to move quickly, but I'm told Homelet will say no if I have any unsatisfied CCJs on my record.


    Any advice gratefully received - I'm still really worried about all of this, and just want to get it resolved one way or another.


    Thanks for reading

  6. The choice to hand the car over to a private company was the Police officer/force decision and this wasn't a good idea when the matter was contested. I am wondering why he has to bother producing the insurance document when evidently the Police have already decided it doesn't exist and have already said it "makes no difference".


    He still needs to produce, else the police will probably prosecute for failing to provide proof of insurance when asked...that'd just complicate things, and surely it's not that difficult to pop into the police station with his document?


    So, he police are right when they sat it 'makes no difference' - it makes no difference to the whole impounding thing, but it would make a difference as to whether or not charges can be brought for driving without insurance.

  7. All of the entries were typed and printed, not hand written, although the signature is handwritten. This I beleive was a Online Application. If so, I don`t understand the dates at the bottom of Page 1. Submitted 11 May 23.50, yet it was printed 14 May 08.04. If I submitted the Form online, I would have submitted the information then printed it out immediately., not 3 days later. I don`t understand that


    Seems to make sense; you clicked submit on the form at 23:50 on Friday 11th May; a member of staff looked at it first thing on Monday 14th May (which incidentally was my birthday!) and printed it out.

  8. Yep, it's showing random gibberish for me as well.


    I thought it was down to the gzip compression you're using as well, until I noticed that you're also compressing /forum, which is fine.


    Only thing I can notice that might be vaguely relevant (and this is a long way from me thinking it actually is relevant) is:


    When accessing /, the http headers come back as:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK


    Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 11:07:23 GMT

    Server: Apache/2.2.3 (Debian) PHP/4.4.4-8+etch4

    X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.4-8+etch4

    Set-Cookie: 239a6729b6c570e31979ebd8af3396f8=-; path=/

    Set-Cookie: mosvisitor=1

    Content-Encoding: gzip

    Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT

    Last-Modified: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 11:07:23 GMT

    Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate

    Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0

    Pragma: no-cache

    Vary: Accept-Encoding

    Keep-Alive: timeout=3, max=10000

    Connection: Keep-Alive

    Transfer-Encoding: chunked

    Content-Type: text/html


    And when accessing /forum:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 11:07:28 GMT

    Server: Apache/2.2.3 (Debian) PHP/4.4.4-8+etch4

    X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.4-8+etch4

    Cache-Control: private

    Pragma: private

    Content-Encoding: gzip

    Vary: Accept-Encoding

    Keep-Alive: timeout=3, max=10000

    Connection: Keep-Alive

    Transfer-Encoding: chunked

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1


    Only potential difference that I can see is that when going to /forum, a charset is being set in the Content-Type header, but when going to /, it isn't. Since this feels like a content-type type problem, that could be relevant.

  9. Back in December '05, my mother bought us a 32" Panasonic LCD TV for christmas from PowerHouse. Cost was in excess of £1000.


    Last week, it stopped working (turns on, but no picture on screen).


    Normally, I'd take it back to PowerHouse, quoting SOGA, but that's obviously not an option.


    She's not sure (but looking into) whether she paid for it with a debit or credit card.


    So, what to do? Do I take it to my local TV repair place, and pray it's cheap to fix (it's a big bugger, so getting it there would be a real hassle), or does she have a claim against the card provider under SOGA?


    I have emailed Panasonic asking for their advice (guess I was hoping for a "We'll repair 'coz we're nice people" type of response), but heard nothing back from they yet.


    Any thoughts on the best way to proceed?



  10. I could really use some advise please, about good old AIC chasing a CCJ which Lloyds got years ago.

    It's actually taken me a while to write this post, 'coz of the worry it's causing me - just didn't want to confront it in some ways.

    AICs attitude has really ****ed me off now though, so I want to get this dealt with once and for all!


    My story:

    Many years ago, I had a Lloyds credit card, which I was paying back as normal. Then, I had a car crash, was off work for a few months, and then on my first day back, was made redundant...nice...


    I'd already been claiming on the card insurance for the sickness period, so I got that claim changed to a redundancy one, which worked for a while (but eventually ran out).


    At that point, I couldn't pay them, so buried my head in the proverbial sand. To cut a long story short, SC&M got a CCJ against me for the amount outstanding, at £100 / month.


    I ignored that, and SC&M got an enforcement order against me, so I ended up with the court bailiff on the doorstep (who was really helpful!). I managed to scrape together the £150 he was asking for, and he told me how to contact the court to get the amount reduced, 'coz I was on benefits etc. Ended up with the court saying I should pay £10/month, which was fine by me.


    The problems then really got interesting...I could never pay SC&M. I'd phone them up to ask them how to pay, and they'd say they can't take a payment by phone (???) so would have to send a cheque/PO each month for £10. I started doing that, but they never cashed the cheques, claiming they'd never received them.


    So a few months pass, and they get another enforcement against me, same as before. This has happened a few times. So I call bailiff, they pop round, I give them the money, we have a chat (one of them is cute and chatty!), and we're all happy.


    Bailiff actually tries to help me deal with this - they call SC&M, who say they'll send a payment book (which has never arrived), but for the months payment, I should just send a cheque in.....I write it there and then, and the bailiff comes with me to the postbox, and sees me post it. SC&M later claim that they still havn't had any payments from me. I even offer to pay the bailiff at the court each month, but apparently they can't do that - they can only act on enforcement orders).


    (sorry this is such a long story - not much further to go)


    So, 3 or 4 weeks ago, I get a letter from AIC, saying that I owe £xxxx for this account. Demand payment there and then, and say they're considering bankruptcy payments. No way I can pay them the amount we're after, so nothing is resolved then.


    Not sure if they're just collecting the debt, or if they've bought it of SC&M (can you actually buy a CCJ? - Don't know).


    Letters keep coming, then another phone call from them two weeks ago, from the same person (very aggresive, nasty guy), who says then can offer a full and final settlement, (which worked out at about 60-70% of the debt, I think), provided I pay there and then. Tell him again there's no way I can do that. He asks if I can borrow some money from a friend or family member. In an attempt to get him off the phone, I tell him I might be able to (even though there's no way I can in reality), but I'd need to get back to him in a week, which he agrees to. Didn't phone back, 'coz the thought of talking to him at all scared me (sounds silly, I know, but he was that unpleasant).


    He's phoned me a few times since, and I've always just ignored the phone - again, just too worried to talk to them about this).


    I've got no problem with paying the £10/month, but I'd rather pay it straight to SC&M, not AIC. In any case, there's no way AIC are going to accept that sort of figure, they want everything, and have no interest in installments).


    I'm not working at the moment (recently made redundant again!), so really can't afford more than £10/month anyway.


    What are my options here? I'd really like to tell AIC to 'go away', so I can answer my phone again. As normal, I have missed a few of the £10/month installments (probably 8 or 10?), so guess I'd need to pay them (which I can do with the last of my redundancy pay).


    Just started the process of claiming bank CC charges for the credit card - not sure how much they will amount to though, as I suspect a lot of them will be older than 6 years, but I'm hoping I could use some of that money (if there is any younger than 6 years) to pay a chunk or all of this CCJ off.


    Please help - I'm especially concerned about the bankruptcy threat - that is something I've battled to avoid over the last few years, and finally getting back onto my feet.

  11. Wanting to put two claims in against Lloyds TSB - one for my old current account, and one for my old Asset credit card.


    Both accounts have been closed for some years now.


    Do I need to do a separate DPA request for each account, or do I just need the one?



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