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Posts posted by theloanrevenger

  1. Sorry, I was sure it was £150 for N1,thanks.Yes I still havent submitted the N149 AQ form yet I have until June 22nd and hence havent sent the £100.I think I should continue until I recieve my refund.

  2. Recieved the usual letter from SCM solicitors yesterday agreeing to repay all charges:D I will write to them,with the acceptance letter, rejecting their terms 2 to 6 (waiving the right to future charge claims)


    One issue though, they will repay court fees of £220,which includes AQ!

    The fees would total £250, not £220 (£150 for N1 and £100 for AQ).I say would because I have not yet sent in the AQ form to the court (22nd June)Should I complete the AQ and submit it? Me thinks yes:cool:


    Dont give up THEY WILL PAY

  3. Hi Im going to complete the N1 form this weekend,but Im slightly confused

    as to what excatly to include.The self help kit to Small Claims seems to suggest just send a completed form plus fee,whilst the online N1 form online form says to include the details of your charges as well.Is there any need to include your charges until you actually get to court? What excatly needs to be included? Many thanks

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