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Posts posted by Moods

  1. Hi Joa,


    Thanks for that! Breathing is an essential that it is oh so easy to forget...especially in circumstances like these.


    I will write them a letter and try to get the landlord to calm down, but either they are hellbent on just suing for the sake of it or they have some other motive behind the whole thing as it seems they want me to pay all of it now or the courts.


    I already said that whether they take me to court or not is ultimately irrelevant as I cannot pay the amount in full anyway.


    Your help is much appreciated and I guess I'll have to deal witht them as we go. I am wondering though, if he is so hellbent on suing as I am moving out on Monday, he did give me one month's notice which is up on tuesday.


    Is it a case of him having to start proceedings before I vacate the premises?



  2. Please help!


    I am being sued by my landlord (he hasn't quite started proceedings yet but will do in the next few days) for five months rent. I owe him three and he also has a 6 week deposit.


    What happened is that I had some problems with my accounts and the rent didn't go out when it should have done. This happened perhaps twice, once I also made a cash payment for which I cannot find a receipt. Great stuff.


    Either way, he now wants me to pay him £6500 pounds within ca 48h or else court case. There is no way of my finding this money and also I cannot agree with that sum as it potentially is only two months but he wants five months rent.


    My question now is where I stand legally as our contract ran out in December last year, I requested a new contract but they didn't respond and nothing was done.


    This means that I have been living here without a contract for the past five months, does that make me a squatter? If he pursues me, what contract can he pursue me for? Or would it be difficult to pursue as there is no contract.


    I am paying the rent whenever I get paid so for example I paid him for this month, and I have also paid other months whilst not having a contract.


    Should I seek legal adviced myself, or just up and leave as a squatter?


    If anybody could please help, I have no idea what to do when he takes me to court and I cannot get £6,5K together at the drop of a hat.


    Many thanks

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