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The old chap

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Posts posted by The old chap

  1. Hello. My wife and I have just passed that stage and are waiting for the Court date. The funny thing about Lloyds defence is they say I quote 'That the Claiment's claim is denied in its entirety. It is further denied that the Claiment is entitled to the sum claimed or to any sum from the bank'.

    tYet hey have paid £750 into my account and thro the FOB offered my wife £1350. I would have thought that that was some form of recognition would'nt you. We have continued the claim through the courts..

  2. Thanks for your mail. We found even talking to them on the phone did not get far. They dil not explain how they came to their answers until we wrote to them and said we are going to court. Then we had an 'opinion' back but even then there was no real explaination. I think the arbitratrators are a bit full of them selves as one cannot really chalenge what you domnot know as a layman. So wait for the court now.

  3. Well, we wrote to the Ombudsman and again asked him to explain how he arrived at his figures and a breakdown on how the figure had been arrived at. Had a letter back basically saying that he did not explain things like that. If he thought that it seems resonable it should be for you too. Interest, no, not in his remit. So papers in the court and we await on the bank. Fun aint it.

    The old chap.

  4. Good evening annala. Certainly I have not yet been defaulted by Lloyds yet. I started by asking for just under £1500. They paid £750 into my account 'final settlement'. I took the money 'on account' and this last week county courted them for the balance. I did have a joint acccount with my wife and I/We have killed that one as they took money from it when I went overdrawn on my personal account. It seem they can do this if your name is on any other account. When I complained they sent me 12 pages of conditions./ Only one para mentioned this.

  5. Well we could just not wait any longer for FOB. They were still messing about and not answering the questions of How the bank offers were made up so told them that they werenot really working for us but to make them selves look good by just asking the banks.

    Letter to bank monday 14 days or else. Now we shall see as it is them and us.


  6. I will in two weeks time, be putting in my claim for near £1500 to the county court. Lloyds have already paid into my account £750 in settlement. I have written back accepting this 'in part payment' and asked for the rest. Should I in my 'Particulars of Payment' on Form N1 mention this as '£750 accepted without predudice in Part Payment'.'

  7. My wife who is going thro FOS had a letter from them saying that Lloyds had agreed to refund £1115.00, was this satisfactory to her. Wrote back to FOS and ask how that figure had been arrived at and what was the breakdown between various charges, They came back in about a week and basically said they were not sure how they were arrived at 'by the Bank'. They would enquire but probablly take a little time. Interest charges were not in their remit as yet as there was a lot of dicusion involving the Office of Fair Trading.

  8. The Defendants Address. What address is to be used. Is it Lloyds at Service recovery Centre, Andover or Accounts Service, Birmingham or a London address. Can any one help please as I do not want to fall down on that one when I start proceedings mid month. Thanks someone.

    the old chap

  9. Well its done. Had £750 put into my account by the bank as a 'reduction of the charges' last week. Today I have written to them thanking them for the 'part payment' would they kindly pay the other £750 plus by 14th Feb or else I'm to the Courts.

    I cant imagion what they are going to say to that or can I.

    Regards to all. The old chap

  10. Dear Mr Keith22,

    I'm afraid its me getting my 80 year old brain in a twist. I entered the Un Paid direct letter amounts not breaking it down into proper charge of £15 each or Standard charge £30 each. It makes a big difference on entries. This is on my wifes account, she has been offered £1115 to settle. I have claimed for her £100 UnAuth Borrowing Fee, £20 O/Draft Usage Fee, £650 O/Draft Excess Fees (17 Enteries) &£35 UnPaid Cheque (One Entry).Does this make sence to you?

    In my case against Lloyds also, the bank have put £750 into my account they say to settle but I have to get the brain going again on a rehash after your mail. Thank goodnes for people like you. Thanks again. the old chap.

  11. The Financial Ombudsman is apparently so concerned about the level of complaints re bank charges and also the lack of public confidence in his office that maybe it is about time that he was made aware of the true scale of the problem.


    I would recommend that everyone writes their own letter to the Financial Ombudsman to inform him

    • that they are bringing a bank charges claim against their bank

    • that they are not going through the Office of the Financial Ombudsman as they have no confidence in him.

    • that although he is concerned because he is receiving 150 complaints per week, The Consumer Action Group is receiving 4,000 complaints per week. In which of our two organisations does he believe the greater public confidence reposes?

    This will only need a short note. It doesn't need to be expressed well or cleverly. Just send the note.


    I think that it will help to make a difference


    Good morning all.

    My wife is doing battle with Lloyds, we think she should get £2600 but she has been going through the FOS. The 1st offer was £70 odd pounds now in this mornings post, a letter from FOS saying Lloyds have now offered £1115 to settle. The FOS write 'This seems, on the face of it,to represent a refund of all the charges that you dispute and you will find it acceptable.

    I work out that Service charge Interest £219, UnA/Borrowing fee £100, Fee Unpaid Items £130, Admin Fee £20, O/Draft Interest £386, Unpaid D/debits £1101, OverDraft Usage fee £20, O/draft Exceess Fee £650, UnPaid cheque £35.= Total £2661.

    Some thing does not seem quite right does it.

    Any comments other that 'on your bike' We shall of course refuse such a generous offer.

    Thanks any one.

  12. I am claiming for overdraft interest charges as I am claiming £3000 and my account is overdrawn by £950 and now they have just added another £14 in O/D interest so I may just add that to my claim.



    Thanks for the reply. I think I will do as you and claim for O/Draft Interest charges &O/Draft Usage Fee(thats a good one is'nt it & Un Authorised Borrowing Fee too.

    You are all great to have behind one.

  13. The chap at FOS is correct in that you cannot claim for service charges - I assume by these you mean fees for packaged accounts. You can claim od interest that you paid on the charges not the interest on your own spending. If you put your details in the spreadsheet it will work out the proportion for you.

    And as for your offer - god knows where they get these figures from but accept it as a partial payment only - no doubt they will withdraw it then.


    Good Luck


    Thanks for your advice.

    I headed colums- O/Draft Excess Fees- Service Charges-O/Draft Interest-O/Draft Usage Fee- Un/Authorised Borrowing Fee-Unpaid Direct Debits-Unpaid cheques, all these taken from my bank statements. As I said FOs said no to Service charges and O/draft Interest so it would make sence to go for O/draft interest then

    Thanks for you advice and time

    The old chap

  14. Having threatened to go to court and giving them 14 days, I have received a very generous offer of £170 to be paid into my account in the next few days. Considering my claim was for £2000 they are being very generous. My wife is going through the FOS for hers, so I have had the advantage of talking to one of their gentlemen. He did not think I should claim for O/draft Interest or service charges but thought that interest on all other charges could be possible.

    Of course I am refusing the bank offer and I think I wil go for all other charges. Any comments?

  15. My wife is using this gentleman for her claim against Mr Lloyd. Started in August, going slowly since then. Had several letters saying things are happening but today, a telephone cal from FOE saying that the bank had offered £170 against £2000+ claimed. He was helpful and advised her/us exactly what he though was closer to the real amount due, £12/1400 but said not sure about charging Interest. For that, one needs to go to court but they would withdraw from the case. So he asked for another couple of week to talk to the bank. So guess what. In a couple of weeks we shall be going to court for the lot including service charges etc. We are on our way.

    The old chap

  16. Well Gary,

    Its all in the post now. Given the time now to sit back and say to myself 'you did it now keep your finger ready'. I reckon juding by other letters that mine will run the same way and I will again be studying the Q & A intently.

    Thanks to all of you.

    the old chap

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