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Posts posted by Dominic_Gregory

  1. Hi all,


    Can anyone provide the address that I need to send documents to. I have three different address' for Cahoot / Abbey in my correspondence. I am wondering which one to send it to? I am thinking i need to send it to the Abbey address that is listed on the defence to my claim.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.





  2. Hi all,


    Can anyone provide the address that I need to send documents to. I have three different address' for Cahoot / Abbey in my correspondence. I am wondering which one to send it to? I am thinking i need to send it to the Abbey address that is listed on the defence to my claim.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.





  3. Dominic.


    If it is this week you probably have missed the date that you should have submitted the bundle to the court and opposition. So you will have to ask for the Court to allow you to submit it late.


    What did the Court's directions state about submitting documents ?


    Before you back out you might want to try and ring SC&M and say that you are giving them one last chance to settle prior to the court case this week. You never know you may be lucky as others have had success from a phone call near the court date.


    Ring 01273 205381 and have your claim number ready.



    If they mention missing bundle just waffle and say they must have mislaid it.


    You will also have to be careful that if you are not ready for the court case you inform the court asap as the judge could award costs against you.


    The case isn't for another 17 days, the dealine for the paperwork is the 3rd, 14 days before the case. But i am confused looking at the above zip file as to what I need to get together and I haven't got time to read through it all and check that I am submitting the right stuff!


    No ones fault but my own, I have had other things that have taken priority over this since submitting it!

  4. Hi all,


    I have a court case regarding a claim against Cahoot on the 17th of August. I haven't heard anything to say this isn't going ahead and I need to submit documents that I will use in the case to the court by the end of the week!


    Can anyone provide any information that may be useful to back up my case or fill me in on the current position?


    Anything at this stage would be helpful given the test case that is currently underway!


    Kind regards in advance.



  5. Hi all,


    I have a court case regarding a claim against Cahoot soon and I need to submit documents that I will use in the case to the court by the end of the week! Can anyone provide any information that may be useful to back up mu case?


    Anything at this stage would be helpful given the test case that is currently underway!


    Kind regards in advance.



  6. Hi all,


    I have just joined because i am looking to reclaim charges on several accounts that I have had over the past 6 years! I don't have any statements for those accounts i have closed and wonder where I start in order to kick of this work.


    I believe that banks are required under the data protection act to provide you with statements at request (with a £10 fee).


    What do you need to do this (Account number and sort code only?).


    Do they have to supply all the statements for the last six years?


    I notice people are having problems obtaining their statements even though the banks legally have to, why is this?


    Is there a way of obtaining information for accounts that I have closed and hold no records for?


    Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.


    Kind regards



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